1 Aga Laaban tõusis hommikul vara, suudles oma poegi ja tütreid ning õnnistas neid; siis Laaban läks teele ja pöördus tagasi koju.
2 Ka Jaakob läks oma teed. Aga temale tulid vastu Jumala Inglid.
3 Ja Jaakob ütles, kui ta neid nägi: „See on Jumala leer!" Ja ta pani sellele paigale nimeks Mahanaim.
4 Siis Jaakob läkitas käskjalad enese eel oma venna Eesavi juurde Seirimaale Edomi
5 ja andis neile käsu, öeldes nõnda: „Öelge mu isandale Eesavile: nõnda ütleb su sulane Jaakob: ma olen tänini Laabani juures võõrana elanud ja viibinud.
6 Mul on härgi, eesleid, pudulojuseid, sulaseid ja ümmardajaid, ja ma läkitan seda teatama oma isandale, et su silmis armu leida!"
7 Käskjalad tulid tagasi Jaakobi juurde ja ütlesid: „Me jõudsime su venna Eesavi juurde. Ta juba tulebki sulle vastu ühes neljasaja mehega!"
8 Siis Jaakob kartis väga ja tal oli kitsas käes; ja ta jaotas rahva, kes ühes temaga oli, samuti pudulojused, veised ja kaamelid, kahte leeri,
9 sest ta mõtles: kui Eesav tuleb ühe leeri kallale ja lööb selle maha, siis teine leer pääseb!
10 Ja Jaakob ütles: „Mu isa Aabrahami Jumal ja mu isa Iisaki Jumal, Issand, Kes mulle ütlesid: mine tagasi oma maale ja oma sugulaste seltsi, siis Ma teen sulle head!
11 Mina pole väärt kõiki neid heategusid ja kõike seda truudust, mida sa oma sulasele oled osutanud! Sest kepp käes ma läksin üle selle Jordani, aga nüüd on mul kaks leeri!
12 Päästa mind ometi mu venna Eesavi käest, sest ma kardan, et ta tuleb ja lööb mind maha ühes emade ja lastega!
13 Sina Ise aga oled öelnud: Ma teen sulle tõesti head ja lasen su soo saada mereliiva sarnaseks, mida ei saa ära lugeda selle rohkuse pärast!"
14 Ja ta jäi selleks ööks sinna ning võttis sellest, mis oli saanud tema omaks, oma vennale Eesavile kingituseks
15 kakssada kitse ja kakskümmend sikku, kakssada emalammast ja kakskümmend jäära,
16 kolmkümmend imetajat kaamelit ja nende varssa, nelikümmend lehma ja kümme härjavärssi, kakskümmend emaeeslit ja kümme eeslitäkku.
17 Ja ta andis need oma sulaste kätte, iga karja eraldi, ja ütles oma sulastele: „Minge minu eel ja jätke vahemaa iga karja vahele!"
18 Ja ta käskis esimest, öeldes: „Kui mu vend Eesav tuleb sulle vastu, küsib sinult ja ütleb: kelle oma sa oled ja kuhu sa lähed, ja kelle omad on need, kes su ees on?
19 Siis vasta: need on su sulase Jaakobi omad, kingitus, mis läkitatakse mu isandale Eesavile, ja vaata, ka tema ise tuleb meie taga!"
20 Ja ta käskis ka teist ja kolmandat ja kõiki muid, kes karjade järel käisid, öeldes: „Te peate Eesavile ütlema sedasama, kui te teda kohtate!
21 Ja öelge ka: vaata, su sulane Jaakob tuleb meie taga!" Sest ta mõtles: ma lepitan teda kingitusega, mis mu eel läheb. Alles pärast seda ilmun ma ise tema ette, vahest võtab ta mind siis armulikult vastu.
22 Nõnda läks kingitus tema eel, aga ta ise jäi selleks ööks leeri.
23 Kuid veel selsamal ööl ta tõusis üles ja võttis oma mõlemad naised ja mõlemad ümmardajad ja oma üksteist poega ja läks läbi Jabboki koolme.
24 Ta võttis nad ja viis üle jõe, samuti viis ta üle kõik, mis tal oli.
25 Aga Jaakob ise jäi üksinda maha. Siis heitles üks Mees temaga, kuni hakkas koitma!
26 Aga kui See nägi, et Ta ei saanud võimust tema üle, siis Ta lõi tema puusaliigest; ja Jaakobi puusaliiges nihkus paigast, kui ta heitles Temaga.
27 Ja Mees ütles: „Lase mind lahti, sest juba koidab!" Aga tema vastas: „Ei ma lase sind mitte, kui Sa mind ei õnnista!"
28 Siis Ta küsis temalt: „Mis su nimi on?" Ja ta vastas: „Jaakob!"
29 Seepeale ütles Tema: „Su nimi ärgu olgu enam Jaakob, vaid olgu Iisrael, sest sa oled võidelnud Jumala ja inimestega ja oled võitnud!"
30 Siis küsis Jaakob ja ütles: „Ütle nüüd mulle Oma nimi!" Aga Ta vastas: „Miks sa Mu nime küsid?" Ja Ta õnnistas teda seal.
31 Ja Jaakob pani sellele paigale nimeks Penuel, sest ta ütles: „Kuigi ma nägin Jumalat palgest palgesse, pääses siiski mu hing!"
32 Päike tõusis, kui ta puusast longates Penuelist edasi läks. [ (Genesis 32:33) Seepärast Iisraeli lapsed ei söö tänapäevani puusanärvi, mis on puusaliigese küljes, sest ta oli löönud Jaakobi puusaliigest puusanärvi kohal. ]
1 And on his way Jacob came face to face with the angels of God.
2 And when he saw them he said, This is the army of God: so he gave that place the name of Mahanaim.
3 Now Jacob sent servants before him to Esau, his brother, in the land of Seir, the country of Edom;
4 And he gave them orders to say these words to Esau: Your servant Jacob says, Till now I have been living with Laban:
5 And I have oxen and asses and flocks and men-servants and women-servants: and I have sent to give my lord news of these things so that I may have grace in his eyes.
6 When the servants came back they said, We have seen your brother Esau and he is coming out to you, and four hundred men with him.
7 Then Jacob was in great fear and trouble of mind: and he put all the people and the flocks and the herds and the camels into two groups;
8 And said, If Esau, meeting one group, makes an attack on them, the others will get away safely.
9 Then Jacob said, O God of my father Abraham, the God of my father Isaac, the Lord who said to me, Go back to your country and your family and I will be good to you:
10 I am less than nothing in comparison with all your mercies and your faith to me your servant; for with only my stick in my hand I went across Jordan, and now I have become two armies.
11 Be my saviour from the hand of Esau, my brother: for my fear is that he will make an attack on me, putting to death mother and child.
12 And you said, Truly, I will be good to you, and make your seed like the sand of the sea which may not be numbered.
13 Then he put up his tent there for the night; and from among his goods he took, as an offering for his brother Esau,
14 Two hundred she-goats and twenty he-goats, two hundred females and twenty males from the sheep,
15 Thirty camels with their young ones, forty cows, ten oxen, twenty asses, and ten young asses.
16 These he gave to his servants, every herd by itself, and he said to his servants, Go on before me, and let there be a space between one herd and another.
17 And he gave orders to the first, saying, When my brother Esau comes to you and says, Whose servant are you, and where are you going, and whose are these herds?
18 Then say to him, These are your servant Jacob's; they are an offering for my lord, for Esau; and he himself is coming after us.
19 And he gave the same orders to the second and the third and to all those who were with the herds, saying, This is what you are to say to Esau when you see him;
20 And you are to say further, Jacob, your servant, is coming after us. For he said to himself, I will take away his wrath by the offering which I have sent on, and then I will come before him: it may be that I will have grace in his eyes.
21 So the servants with the offerings went on in front, and he himself took his rest that night in the tents with his people.
22 And in the night he got up, and taking with him his two wives and the two servant-women and his eleven children, he went over the river Jabbok.
23 He took them and sent them over the stream with all he had.
24 Then Jacob was by himself; and a man was fighting with him till dawn.
25 But when the man saw that he was not able to overcome Jacob, he gave him a blow in the hollow part of his leg, so that his leg was damaged.
26 And he said to him, Let me go now, for the dawn is near. But Jacob said, I will not let you go till you have given me your blessing.
27 Then he said, What is your name? And he said, Jacob.
28 And he said, Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel: for in your fight with God and with men you have overcome.
29 Then Jacob said, What is your name? And he said, What is my name to you? Then he gave him a blessing.
30 And Jacob gave that place the name of Peniel, saying, I have seen God face to face, and still I am living.
31 And while he was going past Peniel, the sun came up. And he went with unequal steps because of his damaged leg.
32 For this reason the children of Israel, even today, never take that muscle in the hollow of the leg as food, because the hollow of Jacob's leg was touched.