1 Sel päeval väljus Jeesus sealt kojast ja istus maha mere ääre.
2 Ja palju rahvast kogunes Tema juure, nii et Ta pidi astuma paati ja maha istuma. Ja kõik rahvas seisis rannal.
3 Ja Ta rääkis neile palju tähendamissõnadega ning ütles: „Vaata, külvaja läks välja külvama.
4 Ja kui ta külvas, kukkus muist tee ääre, ja linnud tulid ja sõid selle ära.
5 Muist kukkus kaljuse maa peale, kus tal ei olnud palju mulda. Ja see tärkas ruttu, sest tal ei olnud sügavat maad.
6 Aga kui päike tõusis, kõrbes ta, ja et tal ei olnud juurt, kuivas ta ära.
7 Muist kukkus ohakate sekka ja ohakad tõusid ja lämmatasid selle.
8 Aga muist kukkus hea maa peale ja kandis vilja, mõni iva sada seemet, mõni kuuskümmend ja mõni kolmkümmend.
9 Kellel kõrvad on, see kuulgu!"
10 Siis jüngrid astusid Ta juure ja ütlesid Temale: „Mispärast Sa räägid neile tähendamissõnadega?"
11 Tema kostis ning ütles: „Teile on antud mõista Taevariigi saladusi, neile aga ei ole antud.
12 Sest kellel on, sellele antakse, ja tal on küllalt; aga kellel ei ole, sellelt võetakse ka see, mis tal on!
13 Sellepärast Ma räägin neile tähendamissõnadega, et nad nähes ei näeks ja kuuldes ei kuuleks ega mõistaks!
14 Ja nende kohta läheb täide prohvet Jesaja ennustus, mis ütleb: Kuuldes te kuulete ega mõista, ja nähes te näete ega taipa!
15 Sest sellesinase rahva süda on tuimaks läinud ja nad kuulevad raskesti oma kõrvadega ja sulevad oma silmad, et nad silmadega ei näeks ja kõrvadega ei kuuleks ja südamega ei mõistaks ega pöörduks, et Mina neid parandaksin!
16 Aga õndsad on teie silmad, et nad näevad, ja teie kõrvad, et nad kuulevad!
17 Sest tõesti, Ma ütlen teile, paljud prohvetid ja õiged on igatsenud näha, mida teie näete, ega ole näinud, ja kuulda, mida teie kuulete, ega ole kuulnud!
18 Kuulge siis teie nüüd tähendamissõna külvajast:
19 Kui keegi Kuningriigi sõna kuuleb ega saa aru, siis tuleb tige ja kisub ära selle, mis oli külvatud ta südamesse. Seda tähendab see, mis külvati tee ääre.
20 Mis kaljuse maa peale külvati tähendab seda, kes sõna kuuleb ja võtab selle kohe rõõmuga vastu;
21 temal aga ei ole juurt eneses, vaid ta on ainult üürikeseks: kui viletsus ning kiusatus tuleb sõna pärast, taganeb ta varsti.
22 Aga mis ohakate sekka külvati, tähendab seda, kes küll sõna kuuleb, maailma mure ja rikkuse pettus aga lämmatab sõna ära ja see jääb viljatumaks.
23 Ent mis külvati hea maa peale, tähendab seda, kes sõna kuuleb ning saab sellest aru ja kannab ka vilja; ja mõni annab sada seemet, mõni kuuskümmend, mõni kolmkümmend!"
24 Teise tähendamissõna esitas Ta neile ning ütles: „Taevariik on mehe sarnane, kes oma põllule külvas hea seemne.
25 Aga inimeste magades tuli ta vaenlane ja külvas lustet nisu sekka ja läks ära.
26 Kui nüüd oras kasvas ja vili hakkas looma, siis tuli ka luste nähtavale.
27 Aga majaisanda orjad tulid tema juure ning ütlesid temale: Isand, eks sa külvanud head seemet oma põllule, kust tuleb sellele nüüd lustet?
28 Tema ütles neile: Seda on teinud vaenuline inimene. Siis ütlesid orjad temale: Kas sa nüüd tahad, et me läheme ja selle kokku kogume?
29 Aga tema ütles: Ei, et te lustet katkudes ühes sellega ei kisuks välja ka nisu.
30 Laske mõlemad ühtlasi kasvada lõikuseks, ja lõikuseajal Ma ütlen lõikajaile: Koguge enne lusted ja siduge vihku ärapõletamiseks, nisu aga koguge kokku mu aita!"
31 Teise tähendamissõna Ta esitas neile ning ütles: „Taevariik on sinepiivakese sarnane, mille mees võttis ning külvas oma põllule.
32 See on küll kõige väiksem kõigist seemneist, aga kui see on kasvanud, on see suurim aiataimedest ja saab puuks, nii et taeva linnud tulevad ja teevad pesad ta okstele!"
33 Teise tähendamissõna Ta rääkis neile: „Taevariik on haputaigna sarnane, mille naine võttis ja segas kolme vaka jahu sekka, kuni kõik läks hapnema!"
34 Seda kõike rääkis Jeesus rahvale tähendamissõnadega ja ilma tähendamissõnata ei rääkinud Ta neile midagi,
35 et läheks täide, mis on üteldud prohveti kaudu: „Ma avan Oma suu tähendamissõnades ja kuulutan, mis on olnud salajas maailma algusest!"
36 Siis Jeesus laskis rahvahulgad ära minna ja tuli koju. Ja Ta jüngrid astusid Tema juure ning ütlesid: „Seleta meile tähendamissõna põllulustest."
37 Tema kostis ja ütles: „Kes head seemet külvab, on Inimese Poeg.
38 Põld on maailm; hea seeme on Kuningriigi lapsed, lusted aga on tigeda lapsed.
39 Vaenlane, kes neid külvab, on kurat. Aga lõikus on maailma-ajastu lõpp; lõikajad on Inglid.
40 Otsegu nüüd umbrohi kogutakse ja tulega ära põletatakse, nõnda peab ka sündima selle maailma-ajastu lõpul.
41 Inimese Poeg läkitab Oma Inglid ja Nemad koguvad Tema Kuningriigist kõik pahandused ja kõik need, kes teevad, mis on käsu vastu,
42 ja heidavad nad tuleahju; seal on ulumine ja hammaste kiristamine.
43 Siis paistavad õiged nagu päike Oma Isa Kuningriigis. Kel kõrvad on, see kuulgu!
44 Taevariik on põllusse peidetud varanduse sarnane, mille mees leidis ning kinni kattis, ja läks sealt ära rõõmsana selle üle ja müüs ära kõik, mis tal oli, ja ostis selle põllu.
45 Taas on Taevariik kaupmehe sarnane, kes otsis ilusaid pärle,
46 ja kui ta oli leidnud ühe kalli pärli, läks ta ja müüs kõik, mis tal oli, ning ostis selle.
47 Taas on Taevariik nooda sarnane, mis merre heideti ja kokku vedas kõiksugu kalu.
48 Ja kui see täis sai, veeti ta randa, ja istuti maha ning koguti head astjatesse, aga halvad visati ära.
49 Nõnda sünnib maailma-ajastu lõpul: Inglid väljuvad ja eraldavad kurjad õigete hulgast
50 ja heidavad nad tuleahju; seal on ulumine ja hammaste kiristamine.
51 Kas te olete aru saanud kõigest sellest?" Nad ütlesid Temale: „Jah!"
52 Siis Ta ütles neile: „Seepärast on iga kirjatundja, kes on õpetatud Taevariigi jaoks, majaisandmehe sarnane, kes toob esile oma tagavarast uut ja vana!"
53 Ja sündis, kui Jeesus oli lõpetanud need tähendamissõnad, et Ta läks sealt ära.
54 Ja Ta tuli Oma kodukohta ja õpetas neid nende kogudusekojas, nii et nad hämmastusid ning ütlesid: „Kust on Sellel see tarkus ja need vägevad teod?
55 Eks Tema ole see puusepa poeg? Eks Ta Ema nimetata Maarjaks ja Ta vendi Jakoobuseks ja Jooseseks ja Siimonaks ja Juudaks?
56 Ja eks Ta õed kõik ole meie juures? Kust siis Temale see kõik on tulnud?"
57 Ja nad pahandusid Temast. Aga Jeesus ütles neile: „Ei peeta prohvetist kuskil nii vähe lugu kui kodukohas ja ta omas majas!"
58 Ja Ta ei teinud seal mitte palju vägevaid tegusid nende uskmatuse pärast.
1 On that day Jesus went out of the house and was seated by the seaside.
2 And great numbers of people came together to him, so that he got into a boat; and the people took up their position by the sea.
3 And he gave them teaching in the form of a story, saying, A man went out to put seed in the earth;
4 And while he did so, some seeds were dropped by the wayside, and the birds came and took them for food:
5 And some of the seed went among the stones, where it had not much earth, and straight away it came up because the earth was not deep:
6 And when the sun was high, it was burned; and because it had no root it became dry and dead.
7 And some seeds went among thorns, and the thorns came up and they had no room for growth:
8 And some, falling on good earth, gave fruit, some a hundred, some sixty, some thirty times as much.
9 He who has ears, let him give ear.
10 And the disciples came and said to him, Why do you say things to them in the form of stories?
11 And he said to them in answer, To you is given the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.
12 Because whoever has, to him will be given, and he will have more; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away.
13 For this reason I put things into the form of stories; because they see without seeing, and give ear without hearing, and the sense is not clear to them.
14 And for them the words of Isaiah have come true, Though you give ear, you will not get knowledge; and seeing, you will see, but the sense will not be clear to you:
15 For the heart of this people has become fat and their ears are slow in hearing and their eyes are shut; for fear that they might see with their eyes and give hearing with their ears and become wise in their hearts and be turned again to me, so that I might make them well.
16 But a blessing be on your eyes, because they see; and on your ears, because they are open.
17 For truly, I say to you that prophets and upright men had a desire to see the things which you see, and saw them not; and to have knowledge of the words which have come to your ears, and they had it not.
18 Give ear, then, to the story of the man who put the seed in the earth.
19 When the word of the kingdom comes to anyone, and the sense of it is not clear to him, then the Evil One comes, and quickly takes away that which was put in his heart. He is the seed dropped by the wayside.
20 And that which went on the stones, this is he who, hearing the word, straight away takes it with joy;
21 But having no root in himself, he goes on for a time; and when trouble comes or pain, because of the word, he quickly becomes full of doubts.
22 And that which was dropped among the thorns, this is he who has the word; and the cares of this life, and the deceits of wealth, put a stop to the growth of the word and it gives no fruit.
23 And the seed which was put in good earth, this is he who gives ear to the word, and gets the sense of it; who gives fruit, some a hundred, some sixty, some thirty times as much.
24 And he gave them another story, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like a man who put good seed in his field:
25 But while men were sleeping, one who had hate for him came and put evil seeds among the grain, and went away.
26 But when the green stem came up and gave fruit, the evil plants were seen at the same time.
27 And the servants of the master of the house came and said to him, Sir, did you not put good seed in your field? how then has it evil plants?
28 And he said, Someone has done this in hate. And the servants say to him, Is it your pleasure that we go and take them up?
29 But he says, No, for fear that by chance while you take up the evil plants, you may be rooting up the grain with them.
30 Let them come up together till the getting in of the grain; and then I will say to the workers, Take up first the evil plants, and put them together for burning: but put the grain into my store-house.
31 He put another story before them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed which a man took and put in his field:
32 Which is smaller than all seeds; but when it has come up it is greater than the plants, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of heaven come and make their resting-places in its branches.
33 Another story he gave to them: The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took, and put in three measures of meal, till it was all leavened.
34 All these things Jesus said to the people in the form of stories; and without a story he said nothing to them:
35 That it might come true which was said by the prophet, Opening my mouth, I will give out stories; I will give knowledge of things kept secret from before all time.
36 Then he went away from the people, and went into the house; and his disciples came to him, saying, Make clear to us the story of the evil plants in the field.
37 And he made answer and said, He who puts the good seed in the earth is the Son of man;
38 And the field is the world; and the good seed is the sons of the kingdom; and the evil seeds are the sons of the Evil One;
39 And he who put them in the earth is Satan; and the getting in of the grain is the end of the world; and those who get it in are the angels.
40 As then the evil plants are got together and burned with fire, so will it be in the end of the world.
41 The Son of man will send out his angels, and they will take out of his kingdom everything which is a cause of error, and all those who do wrong,
42 And will put them into the fire; there will be weeping and cries of sorrow.
43 Then will the upright be shining as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him give ear.
44 The kingdom of heaven is like a secret store of wealth in a field, which a man came across and put back again; and in his joy he goes and gives all he has, to get that field.
45 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a trader searching for beautiful jewels.
46 And having come across one jewel of great price, he went and gave all he had in exchange for it.
47 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net, which was put into the sea and took in every sort of fish:
48 When it was full, they took it up on the sands; and seated there they put the good into vessels, but the bad they put away.
49 So will it be in the end of the world: the angels will come and take out the bad from the good,
50 And will put them into the fire: there will be weeping and cries of sorrow.
51 Are all these things now clear to you? They say to him, Yes.
52 And he said to them, For this reason every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house, who gives out from his store things new and old.
53 And when Jesus had come to the end of these stories he went away from there.
54 And coming into his country, he gave them teaching in their Synagogue, so that they were greatly surprised and said, Where did this man get this wisdom and these works of power?
55 Is not this the woodworker's son? is not his mother named Mary? and his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas?
56 And his sisters, are they not all with us? from where, then, has he all these things?
57 And they were bitter against him. But Jesus said to them, A prophet is nowhere without honour but in his country and among his family.
58 And the works of power which he did there were small in number because they had no faith.