1 Sest Taevariik on majaisanda sarnane, kes vara hommikul välja läks töötegijaid palkama oma viinamäele.
2 Kui ta töötegijatega oli kokku leppinud ühe teenari peale päevapalgaks, läkitas ta nad oma viinamäele.
3 Ja ta läks välja kolmandal tunnil ja nägi teisi turul tööta seisvat
4 ja ütles neile: Minge ka teie viinamäele ja mis iganes õige on, annan ma teile!
5 Ja nad läksid ära. Taas läks ta välja kuuendal ja üheksandal tunnil ja tegi nõndasamuti.
6 Aga üheteistkümnendal tunnil ta läks välja ja leidis teisi seisvat ja ütles neile: Mis te siin kogu päeva tööta seisate?
7 Nad ütlesid temale: Meid ei ole keegi palganud! Tema ütles neile: Minge teiegi viinamäele!
8 Kui siis õhtu tuli, ütles viinamäe isand oma ülevaatajale: Kutsu töötegijad ja anna neile palk alates viimseist kuni esimesteni.
9 Kui nüüd need tulid, kes üheteistkümnendal tunnil olid palgatud, said nad igaüks ühe teenari.
11 Kui nad olid saanud, nurisesid nad majaisanda vastu
12 ning ütlesid: Need viimsed aga on ühe tunni tööd teinud ja sa oled nad teinud meie väärilisteks, kes me päeva koormat ja palavust oleme kannud!
13 Aga ta kostis ning ütles ühele nende seast: Sõber, ma ei tee sulle ülekohut; eks sa leppinud minuga kokku ühe teenari peale?
14 Võta, mis ainule kuulub, ja mine oma teed; aga ma tahan sellele viimsele anda nõnda nagu sinulegi.
15 Kas ei ole mul luba enese omaga teha, mida ma tahan? Või on sinu silm kade, et mina hea olen?
16 Nõnda saavad viimsed esimesteks ja esimesed viimseiks. Sest paljud on kutsutud, kuid vähesed on valitud!"
17 Ja tahtes minna üles Jeruusalemma, võttis Jeesus need kaksteistkümmend isepäinis ja ütles teel olles neile:
18 „Vaata, me läheme üles Jeruusalemma ja Inimese Poeg antakse ülempreestrite ja kirjatundjate kätte, ja nad mõistavad Tema surma
19 ja annavad Tema paganate kätte pilgata ja piitsutada ja risti lüüa; ja kolmandal päeval Ta äratatakse üles!"
20 Siis astus Sebedeuse poegade ema Tema juure ühes oma poegadega, kummardas ja palus Talt midagi.
21 Aga Ta ütles naisele: „Mida sa tahad?" Tema ütles Temale: „Ūtle, et need mu kaks poega istuksid üks Su paremale ja teine Su vasakule käele Sinu Kuningriigis!"
22 Aga Jeesus vastas ning ütles: „Te ei tea, mida te palute! Kas te võite juua seda karikat, mis Minul tuleb juua?" Nad ütlesid Talle: „Jah, võime!"
23 Tema ütles neile: „Minu karika te küll joote, aga Mu paremal ja vasakul käel istuda ei ole Minu käes teile anda, vaid kellele Mu Isa selle on valmistanud."
25 Aga Jeesus kutsus nad Enese juure ja ütles: „Te teate, et paganate ülemad valitsevad nende üle ja suured isandad tarvitavad vägivalda nende kallal.
26 Teie seas aga ei tohi nõnda olla; vaid kes iganes teie seast tahab suureks saada, see olgu teie teenija;
27 ja kes teie seast tahab olla kõige esimene, see olgu teie ori;
28 otsegu Inimese Poeg ei ole tulnud, et Teda teenitaks, vaid teenima ja Oma hinge andma lunaks paljude eest!"
29 Ja kui nad Jeerikost välja läksid, järgis Teda palju rahvast.
30 Ja vaata, kaks pimedat istus tee ääres, ja kui nad kuulsid, et Jeesus läheb mööda, kisendasid nad: „Issand, Taaveti Poeg, halasta meie peale!"
31 Aga rahvas sõitles neid, et nad vait jääksid. Kuid nad kisendasid veel enam: „Issand, Taaveti Poeg, halasta meie peale!"
32 Siis Jeesus jäi seisma, hüüdis neid ja ütles: „Mida te tahate, et Ma teile teeksin?"
33 Nad ütlesid Temale: „Issand, et meie silmad läheksid lahti!"
34 siis Jeesusel hakkas hale meel ja Ta puudutas nende silmi. Ja kohe nad nägid jälle ja järgisid Teda.
1 For the kingdom of heaven is like the master of a house, who went out early in the morning to get workers into his vine-garden.
2 And when he had made an agreement with the workmen for a penny a day, he sent them into his vine-garden.
3 And he went out about the third hour, and saw others in the market-place doing nothing;
4 And he said to them, Go into the vine-garden with the others, and whatever is right I will give you. And they went to work.
5 Again he went out about the sixth and the ninth hour, and did the same.
6 And about the eleventh hour he went out and saw others doing nothing; and he says to them, Why are you here all the day doing nothing?
7 They say to him, Because no man has given us work. He says to them, Go in with the rest, into the vine-garden.
8 And when evening came, the lord of the vine-garden said to his manager, Let the workers come, and give them their payment, from the last to the first.
9 And when those men came who had gone to work at the eleventh hour, they were given every man a penny.
10 Then those who came first had the idea that they would get more; and they, like the rest, were given a penny.
11 And when they got it, they made a protest against the master of the house,
12 Saying, These last have done only one hour's work, and you have made them equal to us, who have undergone the hard work of the day and the burning heat.
13 But he in answer said to one of them, Friend, I do you no wrong: did you not make an agreement with me for a penny?
14 Take what is yours, and go away; it is my pleasure to give to this last, even as to you.
15 Have I not the right to do as seems good to me in my house? or is your eye evil, because I am good?
16 So the last will be first, and the first last.
17 And when Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, he took the twelve disciples on one side, and said to them,
18 See, we go up to Jerusalem; and the Son of man will be given into the hands of the chief priests and scribes; and they will give orders for him to be put to death,
19 And will give him up to the Gentiles to be made sport of and to be whipped and to be put to death on the cross: and the third day he will come back again from the dead.
20 Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came to him with her sons, giving him worship and making a request of him.
21 And he said to her, What is your desire? She says to him, Let my two sons be seated, the one at your right hand, and the other at your left, in your kingdom.
22 But Jesus made answer and said, You have no idea what you are requesting. Are you able to take of the cup which I am about to take?
23 They say to him, We are able. He says to them, Truly, you will take of my cup: but to be seated at my right hand and at my left is not for me to give, but it is for those for whom my Father has made it ready.
24 And when it came to the ears of the ten, they were angry with the two brothers.
25 But Jesus said to them, You see that the rulers of the Gentiles are lords over them, and their great ones have authority over them.
26 Let it not be so among you: but if anyone has a desire to become great among you, let him be your servant;
27 And whoever has a desire to be first among you, let him take the lowest place:
28 Even as the Son of man did not come to have servants, but to be a servant, and to give his life for the salvation of men.
29 And when they were going out from Jericho, a great number went after him.
30 And two blind men seated by the wayside, when they had the news that Jesus was going by, gave a loud cry, saying, Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us.
31 And the people gave them orders to be quiet; but they went on crying even louder, Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us.
32 And Jesus, stopping, sent for them, and said, What would you have me do to you?
33 They say to him, Lord, that our eyes may be open.
34 And Jesus, being moved with pity, put his fingers on their eyes: and straight away they were able to see, and went after him.