20 But the God of peace, who brought up from the house of the dead the great Shepherd of the flock, by the blood of the eternal covenant, who is Jeshu Meshiha, our Lord,
21 make you perfect in every good work, that ye may do his will, and effect in you whatever is good before him, by Jeshu Meshiha: to him be glory unto the age of ages. Amen.
6 But now a ministry which is better than that hath Jeshu Meshiha received, by so much as that covenant of which he is made the Mediator is better, and was given with better promises, than that.
6 who hath made us fit to be ministers of the new covenant, not in the writing, but in the spirit. For the writing killeth, but the Spirit maketh alive.
24 But these are parables of the two covenants: the one which was from Mount Sinai bringing forth into bondage, which is Hagar:
25 for Hagar is Mount Sinai which is in Arabia, and answers to this Urishlem, and serves in bondage, she and her children.
26 But she, Urishilem the high, is the free, who is our mother.
15 For this was he made the Mediator of the new covenant, that by his death he might become the ransom for those who had transgressed against the first covenant, (and) that they might receive the promise, they, who are called unto the inheritance which is eternal.
15 For this was he made the Mediator of the new covenant, that by his death he might become the ransom for those who had transgressed against the first covenant, (and) that they might receive the promise, they, who are called unto the inheritance which is eternal.