5 For they who are in the flesh, of that flesh are mindful; and they who are of the Spirit, of that Spirit are mindful.
6 For the mind of the flesh is death, and the mind of the Spirit life and peace.
7 Because the mind of the flesh is enmity towards Aloha; for to the law of Aloha it is not subject, for it cannot be;
8 and they who are in the flesh cannot please Aloha.
9 But you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if truly the Spirit of Aloha dwelleth in you. But if a man have not the Spirit of the Meshiha, this (man) is not his.
8 He who in the flesh soweth, from the flesh corruption reapeth; and he who in the Spirit soweth, from the Spirit the life that is eternal shall reap.
1 Hence, there is no condemnation to them who do not walk according to the flesh, in Jeshu Meshiha.
2 For the law of the Spirit of life, which is in Jeshu Meshiha, hath set thee free from the law of sin and of death.
3 Because the law was weak through the infirmity of the flesh, Aloha sent his Son in the likeness of the flesh of sin, on account of sin to condemn sin in his flesh;
4 that the righteousness of the law might in us be fulfilled, who walk not in the flesh, but in the Spirit.
50 But this I say, my brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven; nor doth corruption inherit incorruption.
21 I find then a law which accordeth with my mind, that willeth to do good, because evil is near to me.
22 For I rejoice in the law of Aloha in the interior man;
23 but I see another law in my members, which warreth against the law of my mind, making me captive to the law of sin that is in my members.
24 But they who are of the Meshiha have crucified their flesh, with all its passions and its lusts:
6 Whatever is born of the flesh, is flesh; and whatever is born of the Spirit, is spirit.
16 But I say to you, Walk in the Spirit, and the desires of the flesh you will not work.
19 For the works of the flesh are known, which are (these), fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
20 the worship of idols, sorcery, enmity, contention, ambition, wrath, calumny, divisions, rendings,
21 envy, murder, drunkenness, revelling, and all that are like these; and they who do them, as I told you before, so now I tell you, the kingdom of Aloha do not inherit.
5 For while we were in the flesh, the affections of sin, which are against the law, wrought powerfully in our members to yield fruits unto death;
16 For every thing that is in the world, is the lust of the body, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of the world. These which are not of the Father, but they are from the world itself.
13 But you have been called unto liberty, my brethren: only let not your liberty be for an occasion of the flesh; but in love be subjected one to another.
11 And in him you have been circumcised with the circumcision which is not with hands, by the putting away of the flesh of sins, (even) by the circumcision of the Meshiha.
13 For if after the flesh you live, you must die: but if, after the Spirit, the habitudes of the body you mortify, you live.
14 For they who by the Spirit of Aloha are led, they are the sons of Aloha.
41 Be watchful and pray, that you enter not into temptation. The spirit is ready, but the body is infirm.
63 It is the Spirit that maketh alive, the body profiteth nothing: the words which I have spoken to you, they are spirit and they are life.