18 WIVES, be subject to your husbands, as it is right in the Meshiha.
19 Men, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.
3 And let a man render the love that is due unto his wife;
4 so also the wife to her husband. For the wife hath not authority over her body, but the husband; so also the man hath not authority over his body, but his wife.
14 and with all these charity, which is the girdle of perfection.
15 And let the peace of the Meshiha direct your hearts, for to it you have been called in one body; and give thanks to the Meshiha,
16 whose word shall dwell in you abundantly, in all wisdom. And teach and admonish yourselves in psalms and in hymns and in songs of the Spirit, and with grace sing with your hearts unto Aloha.
17 And whatsoever you do, either in word or work, do (it) in the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, and with thanksgiving through him unto Aloha the Father.
5 Put to death, then, your members that are upon the earth: fornication, uncleanness, and passions, and evil desires, and covetousness, which itself is idolatry.
4 Honourable is marriage among all, and their bed is undefiled; but whoremongers and adulterers Aloha judgeth.
15 And beware, lest any of you evil render for evil; but always follow after (those things which are) good (pl.) toward one another, and toward every man.
27 when they ate and drank and took wives and gave to husbands, until the day when Nuch entered into the ark, and the deluge came, and destroyed every one.
25 Husbands, love your wives, as also the Meshiha loved his church, and gave himself for her,
26 that he might sanctify her and purify her in the laver of waters and by the word,
18 Flee from fornication: for every sin which a man committeth is without his body; but he who committeth fornication against his own body sinneth.
19 Or, know you not that your body is the temple of the Spirit of Holiness, who dwelleth in you, (even) Him whom you have received from Aloha? And you are not your own,
20 for you are bought with the price; therefore glorify Aloha in your body and in your spirit, which are of Aloha.
2 as a woman who is bound in law to her husband as long as he liveth; but if her husband be dead, she is freed from the law of her husband.
3 But if, while her husband lives, she adhere to another man, she becometh an adulteress; but if her husband shall die, she is freed from the law, and is not an adulteress, though she become (the wife) of another man.
25 Husbands, love your wives, as also the Meshiha loved his church, and gave himself for her,
26 that he might sanctify her and purify her in the laver of waters and by the word,
27 and that he might constitute her a church unto himself, being glorified, and not having blemish or wrinkle or any thing like these; but to be holy and spotless.
28 So it becometh husbands to love their wives, as their own bodies. For he who his wife loveth, himself he loveth.
29 For no man ever hated his own body, but nourisheth it, and taketh care of it; so also the Meshiha (taketh care) of the church.
30 For we are members of his body, and of his flesh are we, and of his bones.
14 For the man who believeth not is sanctified by the wife who believeth; and any wife who believeth not is sanctified by the husband who believeth; otherwise their children would be unclean; but now are they clean.
31 It hath been said, that he who looseth his wife should give her a writing of divorcement.
32 But I say unto you, that whosoever looseth his wife, except on account of fornication, maketh her to commit adultery; and whosoever taketh her who is sent away, committeth adultery.
4 LOVE is patient and benign; love envieth not; love is not tumultuous, nor inflated;
5 it acteth not with unseemliness, nor seeketh its own; it is not angry, nor thoughtful of evil;
6 it rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth.
7 It endureth every thing, believeth every thing; it hopeth all, endureth all.
2 but, because of fornication, let a man take his wife, and let a woman take her husband.
8 But I say to those who have no wives, and to the widows, that it is expedient for them to remain as I do.
9 Yet, if they persevere not, they should marry; for it is better to take a wife than to burn with concupiscence.
10 But those who have wives I command, yet not I, but my Lord, that the wife from her husband separate not.
11 Yet, if she separate, let her remain without a man, or unto her husband be reconciled. And let not a man put away his wife.
4 But he answered and said to them, Have you not read that He who created from the beginning, male and female hath made them?
5 And he said, On this account a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
6 Wherefore they were not two, but one body. That, therefore, which Aloha hath conjoined, man shall not separate.
21 nor repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornications, nor of their robberies.
22 WIVES, be subject to your husbands as to our Lord.
23 For the husband is the head of the wife, as the Meshiha is the head of the church, and he himself is the Saviour of the body.
24 But as the church is subject to Meshiha, so also (should) wives be unto their husbands in every thing.
3 For this is the will of Aloha, your sanctification; and that you be distant from all fornication;
4 and that every man of you know to possess his vessel in sanctification and in honour,
5 and not in the passions of concupiscence, as the rest of the Gentiles who know not Aloha.
3 And let a man render the love that is due unto his wife;
4 so also the wife to her husband. For the wife hath not authority over her body, but the husband; so also the man hath not authority over his body, but his wife.
5 Defraud not then one the other, unless you both agree for a time, that you may humble yourselves by fasting and by prayer; and return again unto the same will, that Satana may not tempt you on account of the desire of your bodies.
4 But they say, Musha permitted us to write a writing of dismissal, and to send away.
5 Jeshu answered and said to them, On account of the hardness of your heart he wrote for you this commandment.
6 But from the beginning the male and the female Aloha made them.
7 For this cause a man shall leave his father and his mother,
8 and shall cleave unto his wife; and they two shall be one flesh: henceforth they are not two, but one flesh.
9 What Aloha therefore hath conjoined, man may not separate.
28 So it becometh husbands to love their wives, as their own bodies. For he who his wife loveth, himself he loveth.
6 Him who is without blame, and is the husband of one wife, and who hath believing children, who are not vicious nor addicted to intemperance.
1 BUT concerning those (questions) of which you wrote to me, It is well for a man unto a woman not to come nigh;
2 but, because of fornication, let a man take his wife, and let a woman take her husband.
22 WIVES, be subject to your husbands as to our Lord.
23 For the husband is the head of the wife, as the Meshiha is the head of the church, and he himself is the Saviour of the body.
7 AND you, men, dwell likewise with your wives with knowledge, and as feeble vessels in honour hold them; for they also with you inherit the gift of the life of eternity; that you be not hindered in your prayers.
2 But it behoveth that a presbyter be as that blame be not found in him; and that he be the husband of one wife; (a man) who is of a vigilant mind, chaste, and orderly, and a lover of guests, and instructful;
12 The ministers shall be (of them) severally who have one wife, and shall rule each his children and his household well.
20 But I have against thee that thou permittest thy wife Izabel, who calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat what the sons of idols (eat).
39 The wife, so long as her husband liveth, is bound by the law; but if her husband shall die, she is free, that she may do what she willeth, only in our Lord.
1 Fornication is commonly reported among you; and such fornication as is not heard among the Heathens, that the son should take the wife of his father.
2 And you are inflated; but should you not rather sit in grief that he who hath wrought this work might be put away from you?
4 Honourable is marriage among all, and their bed is undefiled; but whoremongers and adulterers Aloha judgeth.
32 Wherefore I would that you be without anxiety; for he who hath not a wife thinketh of the things of his Lord, that so he may please his Lord;
33 and he who hath a wife is anxious for the world, that so he may please his wife.
34 But there is a distinction between the wife and the virgin. She who hath no man is thoughtful of the things of her Lord, that she may be holy in her body and in her spirit; and she who hath a husband is thoughtful of the world, that so she may please her husband.
6 Wherefore they were not two, but one body. That, therefore, which Aloha hath conjoined, man shall not separate.
14 and with all these charity, which is the girdle of perfection.
9 Or, know you not that the unjust the kingdom of Aloha cannot inherit? Do not err; neither fornicators, nor the servers of idols, nor adulterers, nor corrupters, nor liers with men, nor the oppressive,
10 nor thieves, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor the rapacious, the kingdom of Aloha can inherit.
10 and fornicators, and liers with men, and stealers of the free, and liars, and doers against an oath
25 Husbands, love your wives, as also the Meshiha loved his church, and gave himself for her,
26 that he might sanctify her and purify her in the laver of waters and by the word,
27 and that he might constitute her a church unto himself, being glorified, and not having blemish or wrinkle or any thing like these; but to be holy and spotless.
19 For the works of the flesh are known, which are (these), fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
20 the worship of idols, sorcery, enmity, contention, ambition, wrath, calumny, divisions, rendings,
21 envy, murder, drunkenness, revelling, and all that are like these; and they who do them, as I told you before, so now I tell you, the kingdom of Aloha do not inherit.
36 NOW Chana, the prophetess, (was) the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher; she was aged also in her days, and seven years with her husband had lived from her virginity.
3 BUT fornication and all uncleanness and covetousness, let them not be even heard among you, as it becometh the saints;
7 AND you, men, dwell likewise with your wives with knowledge, and as feeble vessels in honour hold them; for they also with you inherit the gift of the life of eternity; that you be not hindered in your prayers.
31 Because of this a man leaveth his father and his mother, and cleaveth unto his wife, and they two become one flesh.
2 For true and righteous are his judgments; Because he hath judged the great harlot Who corrupted the earth with her fornication, And hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.
8 When thou art invited by one into the house of festivity, go not to recline on the principal seat, lest there be invited thither one more honourable than thou;
27 You have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt not commit adultery.
28 But I say to you, that every one who beholdeth a woman so as that he shall desire her, already committeth adultery in his heart.
28 So it becometh husbands to love their wives, as their own bodies. For he who his wife loveth, himself he loveth.
29 For no man ever hated his own body, but nourisheth it, and taketh care of it; so also the Meshiha (taketh care) of the church.
30 For we are members of his body, and of his flesh are we, and of his bones.
22 WIVES, be subject to your husbands as to our Lord.
23 For the husband is the head of the wife, as the Meshiha is the head of the church, and he himself is the Saviour of the body.
24 But as the church is subject to Meshiha, so also (should) wives be unto their husbands in every thing.
25 Husbands, love your wives, as also the Meshiha loved his church, and gave himself for her,
26 that he might sanctify her and purify her in the laver of waters and by the word,
27 and that he might constitute her a church unto himself, being glorified, and not having blemish or wrinkle or any thing like these; but to be holy and spotless.
28 So it becometh husbands to love their wives, as their own bodies. For he who his wife loveth, himself he loveth.
29 For no man ever hated his own body, but nourisheth it, and taketh care of it; so also the Meshiha (taketh care) of the church.
30 For we are members of his body, and of his flesh are we, and of his bones.
31 Because of this a man leaveth his father and his mother, and cleaveth unto his wife, and they two become one flesh.
32 This mystery is great; but I speak of the Meshiha and of his church.
33 Nevertheless let every one of you so love his wife as his own self; but let the wife reverence her husband.
29 And every man who hath relinquished houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, on account of my name, shall receive a hundred-fold, and shall inherit the life of eternity,
13 Food is for the belly, and the belly for food; but Aloha will abolish them both. But the body was not for fornication, but for our Lord, and our Lord for the body.
14 And Aloha hath raised up our Lord, and us will raise by his power.
24 saying to him, Doctor, Musha has said to us that if a man die having no children, his brother shall take his wife and raise up seed unto his brother.
30 For in the resurrection of the dead, they take not wives, neither are wives to husbands; but as the angels of Aloha in heaven are they.
12 And if the wife shall leave her husband, and shall become another's, she adulterizeth.
33 Nevertheless let every one of you so love his wife as his own self; but let the wife reverence her husband.
5 And he said, On this account a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
6 Wherefore they were not two, but one body. That, therefore, which Aloha hath conjoined, man shall not separate.
3 And let a man render the love that is due unto his wife;
4 so also the wife to her husband. For the wife hath not authority over her body, but the husband; so also the man hath not authority over his body, but his wife.
5 Defraud not then one the other, unless you both agree for a time, that you may humble yourselves by fasting and by prayer; and return again unto the same will, that Satana may not tempt you on account of the desire of your bodies.
33 Nevertheless let every one of you so love his wife as his own self; but let the wife reverence her husband.
14 And be not sons of the yoke with them who believe not. For what participation hath righteousness with iniquity? Or what commixture hath the light with darkness?
4 Honourable is marriage among all, and their bed is undefiled; but whoremongers and adulterers Aloha judgeth.