16 And what you think of yourselves, (that) also think of your brethren; nor think with a high mind, but incline to them who are humble; and be not wise in the conceit of your own mind.
11 But I have not spoken because I have had need; for I have learned to make sufficient to me that which I have had.
5 I am the vine, and you the branches. Whoso abideth in me, and I in him, this produceth much fruits, because without me you cannot do any thing.
34 Be not therefore anxious for to-morrow; the morrow shall care for its own: the evil of to-day is enough for it.
8 and they who are in the flesh cannot please Aloha.
4 For as in one body we have many members, and as all the members have not one work,
5 so also we who are many are one body in the Meshiha; but we are each of us members one of another.