Dia das Crianças
14 But Jeshu himself said, Suffer children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of those who are as these, is the kingdom of heaven.
15 But when the chief priests and Pharishee saw the wondrous things which he did, and the children who were crying in the temple, and saying, Ushana to the son of David, they were displeased with them,
16 saying to him, Hearest thou what these say? Jeshu saith to them, Yes: have ye not read, that from the mouth of children and of babes thou hast prepared praise?
1 IN that hour the disciples came near to Jeshu, saying, Who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?
2 And Jeshu called a child, and made him stand in the midst of them,
3 and said, Amen I say to you, unless you be converted and become as children, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven.
4 Whosoever therefore humbleth himself as this child, he shall be greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
15 Amen I say to you, That whoever shall not receive the kingdom of Aloha as a child, shall not enter into it.
16 And he took them on his arms, and laid his hand upon them, and blessed them.
36 And he took a certain child, and made him stand in the midst: and he took him upon his arms, and said to them,
37 Every one who receiveth (one who is) as this child in my name, me he receiveth: and whoever me receiveth, not me he receiveth, but Him who sent me.
10 See that you contemn not one of these little ones: for I say unto you that their angels in all time are beholding the face of my Father who is in heaven.
20 Children, obey your parents in every thing, for so it is pleasing before our Lord.
21 Fathers, exasperate not your children, that they be not discouraged.
1 Children, obey your parents in our Lord, for this is right; and this is the first commandment which promiseth.
2 Honour thy father and thy mother,
3 that it may be well with thee, and thy life be prolonged upon the earth.
4 Parents, make not your children angry, but make them to grow in the discipline and in the doctrine of our Lord.