16 And when it was evening, they brought before him many demoniacs, and he cast out their devils by a word; and all those who were heavily afflicted he healed.
17 So was fulfilled what had been spoken by the prophet Eshaia, who said, That he should take our griefs, and bear our infirmities.
14 and if he be sick, let him call for the presbyters of the church, and they will pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of our Lord.
15 And the prayer of faith shall make whole him who was sick, and our Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
36 I was naked, and you covered me; I was sick, and you cared for me; and I was in prison, and you came to me.
37 Then shall say unto him those righteous, Our Lord! when did we see that thou wast hungry, and fed thee, or that thou didst thirst, and we gave thee drink?
38 and when did we see thee a stranger, and received thee, or naked, and covered thee?
39 and when did we see thee sick, or in prison, and came to thee?
40 And the King shall answer and say to them, Amen I say to you, Inasmuch as you did it unto one of these my least brethren, unto me you did it.
17 But when Jeshu heard, he said to them, The healthy have no need of the physician, but they who are sorely affected: I have not come to call the righteous but the sinners.
8 The diseased heal, the lepers cleanse, the dead raise, and the demons cast forth. Freely you have received, freely give.
7 And that I might not be exalted by the abundance of revelations, there was delivered to me a stimulus of my flesh, an angel of Satana to buffet me, that I might not be exalted.
8 Concerning this three times I entreated of my Lord that it might be removed from me.
9 And he said to me, My grace sufficeth thee; for my power in weakness is perfected. Gladly therefore will I boast in my infirmities, that the power of the Meshiha may overshadow me.
10 For this cause I am willing in infirmities, in reviling, in affliction, in persecutions, in distresses, for the sake of the Meshiha; for when I am weak, then am I strong.
8 The diseased heal, the lepers cleanse, the dead raise, and the demons cast forth. Freely you have received, freely give.
9 And heal those who are sick, and say to them, There hath drawn nigh upon you the kingdom of Aloha.
16 But confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that you may be healed. For great is the power of that prayer which the righteous prayeth.
23 And henceforth water drink not, but wine a little drink, on account of thy stomach, and on account of thy constant infirmities.
14 and if he be sick, let him call for the presbyters of the church, and they will pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of our Lord.
15 And the prayer of faith shall make whole him who was sick, and our Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
35 And Jeshu itinerated in all their cities and villages, and taught in their assemblies, and preached the gospel of the kingdom, and healed all diseases and all pains.
13 For you know that in infirmity of my flesh I preached to you at the first.
14 And the temptation of my flesh you did not despise nor execrate; but as an angel of Aloha you received me, and as of Jeshu Meshiha.
4 And every tear shall be wiped away from their eyes, and death shall be no more; nor sorrow, nor clamour, nor pain, shall be any more; for the former things are passed away.
2 Our beloved, in all things I pray for thee, that thou mayest prosper and be healthful, even as thy soul prospereth.
1 AND Jeshu called his twelve, and gave them power and authority over all demons and diseases, to heal.
2 And he sent them to proclaim the kingdom of Aloha, and to heal the diseased.