15 NOW if thy brother offend against thee, go, and argue (the matter) between thyself and him alone; and if he hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.
3 For all that you say in darknesses in the light shall be heard, and what you whisper in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed on the housetops.
7 And when thou art praying, be not wordy, like the profane; for they think that in much speaking they are heard.
9 and let no man render evil for evil, nor invective for invective, but, that which is contrary to them, bless: for unto this are you called, that the blessing you may inherit.
26 So also the Spirit helpeth our infirmity: for what to pray for as we ought we know not; but the Spirit himself prayeth on our behalf in groanings unspoken.
18 My sons, let us not love one another in words and in tongue, but in works and in truth.
9 And if thou wilt confess with thy mouth our Lord Jeshu, and wilt believe with thy heart that Aloha hath raised him from among the dead, thou shalt be saved.
45 The good man, from the good treasures which are in his heart, bringeth forth good things; and the evil man, from the evil treasures which are in his heart, bringeth forth evil things; for from the adundancies of the heart the lips speak.
36 But I tell you, that for every useless word which the sons of men shall speak, they must give the answer for it in the day of judgment.
2 For (in) many we all offend. Every one who in word offendeth not, this is a perfect man, who is able to make subject also all his body.
29 Let no hateful word come out of your mouth, but that which is comely and useful for edification, that it may communicate grace to those who hear.
19 And you, my beloved brethren, let every one of you be swift to hear, and slow to speak, and slow to be angry;