12 But they who received him, he gave to them power, that the sons of Aloha they should become, to those who believe in his name.
13 These, not from blood, nor from the will of the flesh, nor from the will of man, but from Aloha, are born.
25 And let us not forsake our congregation, as is the custom with some; but pray one with another; (and) so much the more as ye see that day to be approaching.
7 Endure, therefore, correction, because Aloha acteth towards you as with children: for who is a son whom his father doth not correct?
8 And if ye be without the correction with which every one is corrected, ye are aliens, and not children.
9 And if (when) the fathers of the flesh have chastised us we have revered them, how much more are we bound to be subject to our spiritual fathers, that we may live?
10 For they, during a little time, as they willed, chastised us; but Aloha for our advantage, that we might partake of his holiness.
33 And he answered, and said to them, Who is my mother, and who are my brethren?
34 And looking upon those who sat with him, he said, Behold my mother, and behold my brethren:
35 for whosoever shall do the will of Aloha, he is my brother, and my sister, and my mother.
15 For we have not received the spirit of servitude again unto fear, but we have received the Spirit of the adoption of sons, by whom we cry, Father, our Father!
16 And the Spirit himself witnesseth with our spirit, that we are the sons of Aloha.
17 And if sons, heirs also; heirs of Aloha, and the sons of the inheritance of Jeshu Meshiha. For if we suffer with him, with him also shall we be glorified.
1 An elder do not reprimand, but persuade him as a father, and those who are young as thy brethren,
2 and the elderly women as mothers, and those who are young as thy sisters, with all purity.
4 But when the fulness of the time had come, Aloha sent his Son, and made from a woman, and made under the law,
5 that them who were under the law he might redeem, and we might receive the constitution of sons.
6 And because you are sons, Aloha hath sent the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, who crieth, Father, our Father.
7 Therefore you are not servants, but sons; and if sons, heirs also of Aloha, through Jeshu Meshiha.
5 so also we who are many are one body in the Meshiha; but we are each of us members one of another.
35 And the servant abideth not for ever in the house, but the Son for ever abideth.
10 Now, therefore, while the time is ours, let us do good unto every man, and especially to the sons of the house of the faith.
26 For you are all the children of Aloha through the faith of Jeshu the Meshiha.
27 For they who into the Meshiha are baptized have been clothed with the Meshiha.
28 Jihudoya or Aramoya is not; the slave or the free is not; male or female is not; for you are all one in Jeshu Meshiha.
19 THEREFORE are you no more strangers and sojourners but sons of the city of the saints, and sons of the house of Aloha;
20 and you are builded upon the foundation of the apostles and of the prophets, and Jeshu the Meshiha himself is the chief corner of the building;
21 and in him is the whole building increased and enlargeth into a holy temple in the Lord,
22 while you also in him are being builded the dwelling of Aloha by the Spirit.
14 for this is your glory; and I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha,
15 from whom is named the whole family who are in heaven and in earth;
1 And see how great is the love of the Father toward us, that sons he hath called us, and also made us! Therefore the world doth not know us, because that it hath also not known him.
2 MY beloved, now are we the sons of Aloha; and it is not manifest, as yet, what we are to become, but we know, that when he is manifested, in his likeness we are and see him, according to that which he is.
5 and in love predesignated us unto himself, and constituted us children in Jeshu Meshiha, according to the pleasure of his will;
6 that the glory of his grace might be glorified, that (grace) which he hath poured upon us by the hand of his Beloved:
42 Jeshu saith to them, If Aloha were your Father, you would love me; for I from Aloha came forth, and I came not of myself, but he sent me.
26 as that when one member shall be diseased, all may suffer; and if one member be glorified, all the members may be glorified.