4 because every creature of Aloha is good, and nothing to be abominated, if with thanksgiving it be received;
12 And I thank him who hath empowered me, our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, who accounted me faithful, and constituted me his minister; me,
4 because every creature of Aloha is good, and nothing to be abominated, if with thanksgiving it be received;
5 for it is sanctified by the word of Aloha, and by prayer.
15 For every thing is for your sake, that grace, abounding by many, may multiply praise to the glory of Aloha.
20 And give thanks always on behalf of every man in the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha unto Aloha the Father.
12 and with joy may give thanks to Aloha the Father, who hath fitted us for a portion of the inheritance of the saints in light,
4 neither filthiness, nor words of folly, or of jeering, or fables, which are not necessary, but, instead of these, thanksgiving.
11 that in every thing you may be enriched in all simplicity, which worketh out through us, thanksgiving to Aloha.
17 saying, We give thanks to thee, Lord God omnipotent, Who art, and who wast; Because thou hast taken thy great power, And hast reigned.
7 your roots strengthened, and you builded in him, and established in that faith which you have learned, that you may abound therein with thanksgiving.
15 And let the peace of the Meshiha direct your hearts, for to it you have been called in one body; and give thanks to the Meshiha,
6 For nothing be anxious; but in all time, with prayer and with supplication, let your requests be made known before Aloha:
1 I REQUIRE then from thee, that, before every thing supplication be offered to Aloha, and prayer and intercession and thanksgiving for all men;
18 and in every thing give thanks; for this is the will of Aloha in Jeshu Meshiha concerning you.