26 Jeshu, beholding them, said, With the sons of men it is not possible; but with Aloha every thing is possible.
23 Jeshu saith to him, If thou canst believe, every thing can be to him who believeth.
3 And not thus only, but also in afflictions we exult; for we know that affliction perfecteth patience in us,
4 and patience experience, and experience hope:
5 but hope maketh us not ashamed, because the love of Aloha is shed forth upon our hearts by the Spirit of Holiness who is given to us.
9 But as it is written, The eye hath not seen, Nor the ear heard, Nor the heart of man hath risen (to), That which Aloha hath prepared for those who love him.
7 For Aloha hath not given to us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of discipline.
16 For this cause we have not weariness; for if our outward man is wasted, yet the interior man is renovated day by day.
17 For the affliction of this time, while small and light, a glory without end for ever and ever prepareth for us.
18 While we look not on these which are seen, but at those which are unseen. For the seen are of time, but the unseen are of eternity.
10 Fear not any thing of those that thou art to suffer; for, behold, it will be that the accuser will cast some of you into prison, so that you may be tried; and you will have affliction ten days. Be faithful unto the death, and I will give thee the crown of life.
13 for every thing I am empowered through the Meshiha who strengtheneth me.
31 What then shall we say of these? If Aloha be for us, who is against us?
33 These have I said to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you shall have distress; but be of heart, I have conquered the world.
35 Destroy not, therefore, the confidence which you have, for which there is a great reward.