11 Be diligent, and not slothful, be fervent in spirit, be serving your Lord.
12 Rejoice in your hope, sustain your afflictions, be constant in prayer;
9 but if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
7 It endureth every thing, believeth every thing; it hopeth all, endureth all.
37 For nothing is difficult to Aloha.
1 AND I saw new heavens and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth had gone, and the sea was no more.
2 And the holy city, Urishlem the new, I saw descending from heaven from Aloha, prepared as the bride is decked for her husband.
3 And I heard a great voice from heaven, saying, Behold, the tabernacle of Aloha is with men; and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people; and Aloha himself will be with them, and will be their God.
4 And every tear shall be wiped away from their eyes, and death shall be no more; nor sorrow, nor clamour, nor pain, shall be any more; for the former things are passed away.
16 FOR all scripture which from the Spirit is written, is profitable for doctrine, and for rebuke, and for correction, and for instruction which is in righteousness:
17 that the man of God may be perfect unto every good work, and completed.
12 For living is the Word of Aloha, and all-acting, and more penetrating than a two-edged sword, and entereth to the separation of the soul and the spirit, and of the joints, and of the marrow, and the bones, and discerneth the reasonings and counsel of the heart.
12 Blessed the man who endureth temptations: for when he hath been proved he shall receive the crown of life, which Aloha hath promised unto them who love him.
17 Whoever therefore is in the Meshiha is a new creature; the old things have passed, and every thing hath become new
13 Let the outline of sound words be with thee, which thou hast heard from me, with the faith and love which are in Jeshu Meshiha:
14 that good deposite keep through the Spirit of Holiness who dwelleth in us.
35 Destroy not, therefore, the confidence which you have, for which there is a great reward.
11 I come quickly. Hold that which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
14 And this is the assurance that we have toward him, that all that we ask of him according to his will, he heareth us.
15 And if we are persuaded that he heareth us concerning what we ask from him, we are confident of receiving already the requests that we ask from him.
18 I will not leave you orphans; for I will come to you a little after.
66 On account of this word many of his disciples went back, and walked not with him.
67 Jeshu said to the twelve, Do you also will to go?
68 Shemun Kipha answered and said, My Lord, unto whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life;
69 and we believe and know that thou art the Meshicha, the Son of Aloha the Living.
16 But our Lord Jeshu Meshiha himself, and Aloha our Father, who hath loved us, and given us everlasting consolation, and a good hope through grace,
17 will comfort your hearts, and establish in every word and in every work of good.
26 Jeshu, beholding them, said, With the sons of men it is not possible; but with Aloha every thing is possible.
17 Therefore faith is from the hearing of the ear, and the hearing of the ear from the word of Aloha.
19 And avenge not yourselves, my beloved, but give place unto wrath; for it is written, that if thou execute not judgment for thyself, I will execute thy judgment, saith Aloha.
28 Come unto me, all you (who) are wearied and bearing burdens, and I will give you rest.
29 Bear my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am peaceful and lowly in my heart, and you shall find repose for your souls.
30 For my yoke is kindly, and my burden is light.
12 Rejoice in your hope, sustain your afflictions, be constant in prayer;
16 For this cause we have not weariness; for if our outward man is wasted, yet the interior man is renovated day by day.
17 For the affliction of this time, while small and light, a glory without end for ever and ever prepareth for us.
18 While we look not on these which are seen, but at those which are unseen. For the seen are of time, but the unseen are of eternity.
33 These have I said to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you shall have distress; but be of heart, I have conquered the world.
9 And while we do that which is good, let it not weary us; for the time will be when we shall reap, and it will not weary us.
23 and let us persevere in the confession of our hope, and not swerve; for faithful is He who hath promised us.
24 And let us consider one another with incitement to charity and good works.
25 And let us not forsake our congregation, as is the custom with some; but pray one with another; (and) so much the more as ye see that day to be approaching.
6 because I am confident of this, that he who hath begun good workings in you will himself make perfect until the day of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.
7 Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
8 For every one who asketh receiveth, and he who seeketh findeth; and to him who knocketh it is opened.
6 But without faith it is not possible for man to please Aloha; for he who draweth near unto Aloha must believe that he is, and that of those who seek him he will be the rewarder.
12 I know (how) to be abased, I know also how to abound in all; and in every thing I am trained with sufficiency and with hunger, with abundance and with destitution:
13 for every thing I am empowered through the Meshiha who strengtheneth me.
28 BUT we know that those who love Aloha, in every thing he helpeth them for good; them whom he set before that they might be called.
12 Here is the patience of the saints, Who keep the commandments of Aloha, And the faith of Jeshu.