7 AND you, men, dwell likewise with your wives with knowledge, and as feeble vessels in honour hold them; for they also with you inherit the gift of the life of eternity; that you be not hindered in your prayers.
9 So also let women with decorous simplicity of apparel,with modesty and with chastity, adorn themselves, not with braidings, and with gold, and with pearls, and with fine vestments,
11 Thus also must the woman be chaste, and they shall be vigilant (in their) minds, and faithful in every thing; and they shall not be accusers.
1 So you also, wives, be subject to your own husbands, that them who have not obeyed the word, by your comely manners without labour you may win,
2 while they see that with reverence and with chastity you conduct yourselves.
3 Neither be adorned with outward adornings of the entwinement of your hair, or necklaces of gold, or of excelling vestments,
4 but adorn yourselves in the hidden man of the heart, with the spirit of gentleness which perisheth not, the ornament of excellence before Aloha.
5 For so also of old the holy women who confided in Aloha adorned themselves, and were subject to their husbands,
6 even as Sara was subject to Abraham, and called him My Lord: of her be you the daughters in good works, not being perturbed by any fear.
22 WIVES, be subject to your husbands as to our Lord.
23 For the husband is the head of the wife, as the Meshiha is the head of the church, and he himself is the Saviour of the body.
24 But as the church is subject to Meshiha, so also (should) wives be unto their husbands in every thing.
3 And so also the aged women, that they be in behaviour what becometh the fear of Aloha, and not slanderers, nor enslaved to much wine, and that they teach good things;
4 making those who are young modest, to love their husbands and their children,
5 and to be chaste and holy, well mindful of their houses, and submissive to their husbands, that no man blaspheme the word of Aloha.
11 Nevertheless man is not without woman, neither is woman without man, in our Lord.
12 For as a woman is from man, so is man by woman; but every thing is from Aloha.