25 Jeshu saith to her, I am the Resurrection and the Life; and (he) who believeth in me, although he will die, shall live.
26 And every one who liveth and believeth in me, for ever shall not die. Believest thou this?
24 Faithful is he who hath called you, who himself will do it!
8 For the exercise of the body a little time profiteth; but righteousness in every thing profiteth, and hath the promise of the life of this time, and of the future.
5 He who overcometh shall be clothed in white vestments, and I will not blot their name from the book of life; and I will confess their name before my Father, and before his angels.
7 Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
10 But the God of grace, who hath called us to his eternal glory by Jeshu Meshiha, will give to us while we endure these few afflictions to be strengthened, and confirmed, and established in him for ever.
4 by annunciations great and precious which he hath given to you, that by them you may be partakers of the divine nature, while you escape the corruption of the lusts which are in the world;
15 For this was he made the Mediator of the new covenant, that by his death he might become the ransom for those who had transgressed against the first covenant, (and) that they might receive the promise, they, who are called unto the inheritance which is eternal.
2 MY beloved, now are we the sons of Aloha; and it is not manifest, as yet, what we are to become, but we know, that when he is manifested, in his likeness we are and see him, according to that which he is.
3 And every one who hath in him this hope, purifieth himself, as He is pure.
22 But the scripture hath included all under sin, that the promise through faith of Jeshu Meshiha might be given to them who believe.
6 But now a ministry which is better than that hath Jeshu Meshiha received, by so much as that covenant of which he is made the Mediator is better, and was given with better promises, than that.
9 Not dilatory is the Lord in his promises, as some consider delay; but is patient on your account, not willing that any man should perish, but (that) every man to repentance should come.
20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and will open the door, I will enter unto him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
16 For so loved Aloha the world, as his Son, the Only-begotten, he would give, that every one who believeth in him might not perish, but have the life which is eternal.
1 Because then we have these promises, my beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all impurity of the flesh and of the spirit, and accomplish sanctification in the fear of Aloha.
23 and let us persevere in the confession of our hope, and not swerve; for faithful is He who hath promised us.