13 ENTER in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and spacious the way, that conducteth to destruction; and they are many who go therein.
14 How small is the gate, and narrow the way, that leadeth unto salvation; and they are few who find it!
9 Or, know you not that the unjust the kingdom of Aloha cannot inherit? Do not err; neither fornicators, nor the servers of idols, nor adulterers, nor corrupters, nor liers with men, nor the oppressive,
10 nor thieves, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor the rapacious, the kingdom of Aloha can inherit.
3 Jeshu answered and said to him, Amen, amen, I say to thee, Except a man be born anew, he cannot see the kingdom of Aloha.
22 For as in Adam all men die, so also in the Meshiha are all made alive:
36 He who believeth in the Son hath the life which is eternal; and he who obeyeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of Aloha remaineth on him.
47 For so hath our Lord commanded, as it is written, I have set thee a light to the Gentiles, To be for salvation to the ends of the earth.
28 so also the Meshiha was once offered, and in his (own) person sacrificed (for) the sins of many; but the second time without sins he appeareth for the salvation of them who expect him.
10 For the Son of man came to save that which was lost.
6 Jeshu saith to him, I (am) the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto my Father unless by me.
11 FOR the all-saving grace of Aloha hath appeared to all men,
12 and teacheth us to deny wickedness and the lusts of the world, and to live in this world in purity, and in rectitude, and in the fear of Aloha,
10 For if, while we were adversaries, Aloha was reconciled with us through the death of his Son, how much more, then, in reconciliation with him, shall we be saved by his life?
9 who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling; not according to our works, but according to his will, and that grace of his which was given to us in Jeshu Meshiha before the time of the worlds,
22 Because every thing with blood was purified under the law; and without shedding of blood there is no remission.
5 not by works of righteousness which we had done, but by his own mercy he saved us, by the laving of the birth which is afresh, by the renewing of the Spirit of Holiness,
10 For the heart which believeth in him is justified, and the mouth which confesseth him is saved.
27 Jeshu beheld them and said to them, With the sons of men this is not possible, but with Aloha: for every thing is possible with Aloha.
28 and I give to them the life which is eternal, and they shall not perish for ever, and no man shall snatch them from my hands.
8 whom you have not seen and (yet) love, and in whose faith you exult with glorious joy that is not spoken:
9 that you may receive the recompence of your faith, the salvation of your souls.
16 He who believeth and is baptized is saved; and he who believeth not is condemned.
12 But they who received him, he gave to them power, that the sons of Aloha they should become, to those who believe in his name.
16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of Aloha for the salvation of all who believe in him, whether of the Jihudoyee first, or of the Aramoyee:
9 Not dilatory is the Lord in his promises, as some consider delay; but is patient on your account, not willing that any man should perish, but (that) every man to repentance should come.
8 For by his grace are we saved through faith, and this was not of you, but is the gift of Aloha,
9 not of works, that no man should glory.
9 but if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
3 and said, Amen I say to you, unless you be converted and become as children, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven.
9 And if thou wilt confess with thy mouth our Lord Jeshu, and wilt believe with thy heart that Aloha hath raised him from among the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For the heart which believeth in him is justified, and the mouth which confesseth him is saved.
31 And they said to him, Believe in our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and will open the door, I will enter unto him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
31 And they said to him, Believe in our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
12 And in no other one is redemption: for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind, by which we must be saved.
27 But Jeshu said, Those (things) which with the sons of men are not possible, with Aloha are possible to be done.
17 Whoever therefore is in the Meshiha is a new creature; the old things have passed, and every thing hath become new
52 And Jeshu said to him, SEE: thy faith hath saved thee. And instantly he saw, and he went in the way.
16 For so loved Aloha the world, as his Son, the Only-begotten, he would give, that every one who believeth in him might not perish, but have the life which is eternal.
23 for all have sinned, and have failed of the glory of Aloha;
23 For the wages of sin is death; and the gift of Aloha the life of eternity by our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.
7 for hardly for the wicked one dieth; for on account of the good one may perhaps dare to die.
8 Nevertheless Aloha hath manifested his love for us, in that, when we were sinners, the Meshiha for us died:
21 And every one who shall call the name Of the Lord shall be saved.