A Segunda Vinda de Cristo
28 And now, my sons, continue in him: that when he is manifested we may not he confounded of him, but we may have confidence at his coming.
23 But the God of peace himself will sanctify perfectly all of you; and your whole spirit, and your soul, and your body will he keep without fault, to the coming of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.
23 Then if any one shall say to you, Lo, here is the Meshicha, or there; believe them not.
24 For there shall arise false Meshichas and prophets of untruth; and they shall give forth magnificent signs, so as to seduce, if possible, the chosen also.
25 (observe! I have told you before,)
27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds, with power and great glory.
21 For then shall be the great affliction, such as hath not been from the beginning of the world until now, neither shall be (again).
22 And unless those days be cut short, none could live of all flesh: but on account of the chosen those days shall be cut short.
11 FOR the all-saving grace of Aloha hath appeared to all men,
12 and teacheth us to deny wickedness and the lusts of the world, and to live in this world in purity, and in rectitude, and in the fear of Aloha,
13 while expecting the blessed hope and the manifestation of the glory of the great God and our Saviour Jeshu Meshiha;
14 who gave himself for us, to redeem us from all iniquity, and to cleanse unto himself a new people, who are zealous of good works.
7 That you may not be deficient in one of his gifts, but be expecting the revelation of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha,
8 who will confirm you to the end, that you may be without fault in the day of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.
20 He who testifieth these saith, Yes: I come quickly. Amen. Come, Lord Jeshu.
44 Wherefore be ye also prepared, because in the hour that ye expect not shall come the Son of man.
25 And there will be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars, and on earth distress of nations, and smiting of hands from astonishment at the voice of the sea,
26 the commotion hurrying forth the souls of the sons of men from fear of what is about to come upon the earth; and the powers of the heavens shall be commoved.
27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds, with power and great glory.
28 But when these things begin to be, take courage, and lift up your heads, because your redemption hath drawn nigh.
1 LET not your heart be troubled: believe in Aloha, and in me believe.
2 Many are the mansions of my Father's house: and if not, I would have told you; for I go to prepare for you a place.
3 And if I go to prepare for you a place, I will come again and take you with me, that where I am you also may be.
14 And this annunciation of the kingdom shall be proclaimed in the whole world as a testimony for all nations; and then will come the end.
12 Behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to render to every one according as is his work.
34 But take heed to yourselves, that at any time your hearts be not heavy with excess and drunkenness, and the care of the world, and unawares shall come upon you that day.
35 For as a net it will overtake all them who dwell upon the faces of the whole earth.
36 Be therefore wakeful at all time, and pray that you may be worthy to escape from those things that are about to be, and that you may stand before the Son of man.
7 BUT the end of all cometh; therefore be sober, and watch unto prayer.
32 But from the fig-tree learn a parable: As soon as her branches are soft, and they put forth her leaves, you know that summer draweth nigh.
33 So also, when all these are seen, you know that it cometh to the door.
29 But immediately after the affliction of those days, the sun will become dark, and the moon show not her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven be commoved.
30 And then shall be seen the standard of the Son of man in heaven, and then all the generations of the earth shall wail, and they shall see the Son of man coming upon the clouds of heaven, with great power and glory.
31 And he shall send his angels with the great trumpet, and they shall gather the chosen who are his from the four winds and from the ends of heaven.
12 But the brother will betray his brother to the death, and the father his son; and children will rise up against their fathers, and shall put them to death;
13 and you will be hated by all men on account of my name: but he who shall persevere to the end, he shall be saved.
27 For it is to be, that the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his holy angels, and then shall he render unto every man according to his works.
42 Be wakeful therefore, because ye know not in what hour cometh your Lord.
16 For our Lord himself with the mandate, and with the voice of the chief of angels, and with the trumpet of Aloha, will come down from heaven, and the dead who are in the Meshiha will arise first;
17 and then we who remaining alive, shall be rapt with them together in clouds, to the meeting of our Lord in the expanse; and so always with our Lord shall we be.
18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but within are ravening wolves.
12 And because of the abounding of iniquity, the love of many will languish.
13 But he who shall persevere unto the end,-he shall live.
8 I am Olaph and Thau, saith Aloha the Lord, who is, and who was, and who cometh, the Omnipotent.
9 But look (to) yourselves; for they will deliver you to the judgments; and in their assemblies will they scourge you, and before kings and governors you shall stand on account of their testimony.
10 But first will be preached my gospel among all the nations.
9 Then shall they deliver you to affliction, and shall kill you; and you shall be hated of all peoples on account of my name.
10 Then shall many be offended, and shall hate one another, and betray one another.
11 And many lying prophets shall stand up, and shall delude the multitudes.
3 And while Jeshu sat upon the mount of Olives, his disciples drew near and said between themselves and him, Tell us when these things shall be; and what is the sign of thy coming and of the consummation of the world.
4 Jeshu answered and said to them, Beware that no man cause you to err;
5 for many will come in my name and will say, I am the Meshicha; and many will be deceived.
6 But it will be for you to hear wars and the noise of battles; (yet) see that you be not perturbed; for all these will take place, but not yet is the end.
6 because I am confident of this, that he who hath begun good workings in you will himself make perfect until the day of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.
11 and they said to them, Men, Galiloyee, why stand you looking to the heavens 3? this Jeshu who is taken up from you into the heavens will so come as you have seen him ascend into the heavens.
11 and great earthquakes will be in divers places, and famines, and plagues; and there will be portents, and terrors, and great signs from the heavens will appear, and great tempests shall there be.
23 Then if any one shall say to you, Lo, here is the Meshicha, or there; believe them not.
24 For there shall arise false Meshichas and prophets of untruth; and they shall give forth magnificent signs, so as to seduce, if possible, the chosen also.
25 (observe! I have told you before,)
26 If therefore they shall say to you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: or, Behold, he is in the inner chamber; believe not.
8 But this one (truth) be not ignorant of, my beloved, That one day with the Lord (is) as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
30 And grieve not the Holy Spirit of Aloha, by whom you have been sealed unto the day of redemption.
20 He who testifieth these saith, Yes: I come quickly. Amen. Come, Lord Jeshu.
42 Be wakeful therefore, because ye know not in what hour cometh your Lord.
11 I come quickly. Hold that which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
8 For people shall rise against people, and kingdom against kingdom; and earthquakes will he in various places; and there will be famines and convulsions. These are the beginning of sorrows.
28 so also the Meshiha was once offered, and in his (own) person sacrificed (for) the sins of many; but the second time without sins he appeareth for the salvation of them who expect him.
26 And then will they see the Son of Man coming in the cloud with great power and with glory.
27 And then will he send his angels, and will assemble his chosen ones from the four winds, from the extremity of the earth to the extremity of the heavens.
10 And while they looked to the heavens as he went, two men were found standing with them in white vestments;
11 and they said to them, Men, Galiloyee, why stand you looking to the heavens 3? this Jeshu who is taken up from you into the heavens will so come as you have seen him ascend into the heavens.
24 And let us consider one another with incitement to charity and good works.
25 And let us not forsake our congregation, as is the custom with some; but pray one with another; (and) so much the more as ye see that day to be approaching.