2 But he who entereth by the door, he is the shepherd of the flock.
3 And to him the keeper of the gate openeth the gate, and the flock heareth his voice, and his sheep he calleth by their names, and he leadeth them forth;
4 and when his flock hath gone forth, he goeth before it, and his sheep follow him, because they know his voice.
25 who had wandered as sheep, and are returned now unto the Shepherd and Guardian of your souls.
14 I am the good shepherd, and know my own, and am known of my own.
15 As my Father knoweth me (and) I know my Father, and my life I lay down for the flock.
16 But I have other sheep also which are not of this fold; and these also it behoveth me to bring, and they will hear my voice, and all shall become one flock and one shepherd.
11 I am the good shepherd, and the good shepherd his life layeth down for his flock.
4 that when the Chief of pastors shall be revealed, you may receive from him a crown of glory which fadeth not.