18 But we all with disclosed faces behold the glory of the Lord as in a mirror, and into the resemblance of it are changed from brightness to brightness, as by the Lord the Spirit.
22 But the fruits of the Spirit are, love, joy, peace, prolonging of the spirit, benignity, goodness, fidelity,
23 meekness, patience; against these the law is not set.
10 But I beseech of you, my brethren, in the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, that you have all one doctrine, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfect in one mind and one sentiment.
14 but every one who shall drink of the waters that I will give him shall never thirst; but those waters that I shall give him shall be in him a fountain of waters, that shall spring forth to the life of eternity.
38 Shemun saith to them, Repent, and be baptized, every man of you, in the name of the Lord Jeshu, for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
19 Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, and that the times of repose may come to you from before the presence of the Lord;
5 Put to death, then, your members that are upon the earth: fornication, uncleanness, and passions, and evil desires, and covetousness, which itself is idolatry.
17 From that time began Jeshu to preach, and to say, Repent! for the kingdom of heaven hath drawn nigh.
5 and also are doing. And our Lord will direct your hearts to the love of Aloha, and to the patience of the Meshiha.
6 But if the Meshiha on account of our infirmity in this time for the wicked hath died:
2 And be not likened unto this world, but be changed by the renewing of your minds, that you may discern what is the will of Aloha, good, and acceptable, and perfect.