15 And he saide vnto them, Goe ye into all the worlde, and preach the Gospel to euery creature.
12 For there is no difference betweene the Iewe and the Grecian: for he that is Lord ouer all, is rich vnto all, that call on him. 13 For whosoeuer shall call vpon the Name of the Lord, shalbe saued. 14 But how shall they call on him, in whome they haue not beleeued? and how shall they beleeue in him, of whom they haue not heard? and howe shall they heare without a preacher? 15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, Howe beautifull are the feete of them which bring glad tidings of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! 16 But they haue not all obeyed ye Gospel: for Esaias saith, Lord, who hath beleeued our report? 17 Then faith is by hearing, and hearing by the worde of God.
14 So in them is fulfilled the prophecie of Esaias, which prophecie saieth, By hearing, ye shall heare, and shall not vnderstand, and seeing, ye shall see, and shall not perceiue. 15 For this peoples heart is waxed fat, and their eares are dull of hearing, and with their eyes they haue winked, lest they should see with their eyes, and heare with their eares, and should vnderstand with their hearts, and should returne, that I might heale them. 16 But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your eares, for they heare.
25 Verely, verely I say vnto you, the houre shall come, and now is, when the dead shall heare the voyce of the Sonne of God: and they that heare it, shall liue.
3 Encline your eares, and come vnto me: heare, and your soule shall liue, and I will make an euerlasting couenant with you, euen the sure mercies of Dauid.
13 In whom also ye haue trusted, after that ye heard the worde of trueth, euen the Gospel of your saluation, wherein also after that ye beleeued, ye were sealed with the holy Spirite of promise, 14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance, for the redemption of that libertie purchased vnto the prayse of his glory.
10 Then hee called the multitude vnto him, and said to them, Heare and vnderstand.
9 And he sayd, Goe, and say vnto this people, Ye shall heare in deede, but ye shall not vnderstand: ye shall plainely see, and not perceiue. 10 Make the heart of this people fatte, make their eares heauie, and shut their eyes, lest they see with their eyes, and heare with their eares, and vnderstand with their hearts, and conuert, and he heale them.
28 But hee saide, Yea, rather blessed are they that heare the woorde of God, and keepe it.
3 Praying also for vs, that God may open vnto vs the doore of vtterance, to speake ye mysterie of Christ: wherefore I am also in bonds,
2 This only would I learne of you, Receiued ye the Spirit by the workes of the Lawe, or by the hearing of faith preached?
44 No man can come to mee, except the Father, which hath sent mee, drawe him: and I will raise him vp at the last day. 45 It is written in the Prophetes, And they shalbe al taught of God. Euery man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, commeth vnto me: 46 Not that any man hath seene the Father, saue hee which is of God, hee hath seene the Father. 47 Verely, verely I say vnto you, hee that beleeueth in me, hath euerlasting life.
23 If any man haue eares to heare, let him heare.
24 Verely, verely I say vnto you, he that heareth my worde, and beleeueth him that sent me, hath euerlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but hath passed from death vnto life.