9 For if thou shalt confesse with thy mouth the Lord Iesus, and shalt beleeue in thine heart, that God raised him vp from the dead, thou shalt be saued:
31 And they saide, Beleeue in the Lord Iesus Christ, and thou shalt be saued, and thine houshold.
20 Behold, I stand at the doore, and knocke. If any man heare my voice and open ye doore, I wil come in vnto him, and will suppe with him, and he with me.
16 For God so loued the worlde, that hee hath giuen his onely begotten Sonne, that whosoeuer beleeueth in him, should not perish, but haue euerlasting life.
38 Then Peter said vnto them, Amend your liues, and bee baptized euery one of you in the Name of Iesus Christ for the remission of sinnes: and ye shall receiue the gift of the holy Ghost.
12 Neither is there saluation in any other: for among men there is giuen none other Name vnder heauen, whereby we must be saued.
9 If we acknowledge our sinnes, he is faithfull and iust, to forgiue vs our sinnes, and to clense vs from all vnrighteousnes.
23 For the wages of sinne is death: but the gift of God is eternall life, through Iesus Christ our Lord.
21 And it shalbe, that whosoeuer shall call on the Name of the Lord, shalbe saued.
12 But as many as receiued him, to them he gaue prerogatiue to be the sonnes of God, euen to them that beleeue in his Name.
6 Iesus sayd vnto him, I am that Way, and that Trueth, and that Life. No man commeth vnto the Father, but by me.