35 And Iesus saide vnto them, I am that bread of life: he that commeth to me, shall not hunger, and he that beleeueth in me, shall neuer thirst.
3 Therefore he humbled thee, and made thee hungry, and fed thee with MAN, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know it, that he might teache thee that man liueth not by bread onely, but by euery worde that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord, doth a man liue.
46 And they continued dayly with one accord in the Temple, and breaking bread at home, did eate their meate together with gladnesse and singlenesse of heart, 47 Praysing God, and had fauour with all the people: and the Lord added to the Church from day to day, such as should be saued.
20 Behold, I stand at the doore, and knocke. If any man heare my voice and open ye doore, I wil come in vnto him, and will suppe with him, and he with me.
16 Let no man therefore condemne you in meate and drinke, or in respect of an holy day, or of the newe moone, or of the Sabbath dayes, 17 Which are but a shadowe of thinges to come: but the body is in Christ.
27 Labour not for ye meate which perisheth, but for the meate that endureth vnto euerlasting life, which the Sonne of man shall giue vnto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.
10 He saide also vnto the, Go, and eate of the fat, and drinke the sweete, and send part vnto them, for whome none is prepared: for this day is holie vnto our Lord: be ye not sorie therefore: for the ioy of the Lord is your strength.
3 Let not him that eateth, despise him that eateth not: and let not him which eateth not, condemne him that eateth: for God hath receiued him.
9 For he satisfied the thirstie soule, and filled the hungrie soule with goodnesse.
9 These ye shall eate, of all that are in the waters: all that haue finnes and scales shall ye eate. 10 And whatsoeuer hath no finnes nor scales, ye shall not eate: it shall be vncleane vnto you.
31 Whether therefore ye eate, or drinke, or whatsoeuer ye doe, doe all to the glory of God.
29 And God said, Beholde, I haue giuen vnto you euery herbe bearing seede, which is vpon al the earth, and euery tree, wherein is the fruite of a tree bearing seede: that shall be to you for meate.
4 But he answering said, It is written, Man shall not liue by bread onely, but by euery worde that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
7 For we brought nothing into the world, and it is certaine, that we can carie nothing out. 8 Therefore when wee haue foode and raiment, let vs therewith be content.
33 But seeke ye first the kingdome of God, and his righteousnesse, and all these things shall be ministred vnto you.
25 The liberall person shall haue plentie: and he that watereth, shall also haue raine.
16 Then he tooke the fiue loaues, and the two fishes, and looked vp to heauen, and blessed them, and brake, and gaue to the disciples, to set before the people. 17 So they did all eate, and were satisfied: and there was taken vp of that remained to them, twelue baskets full of broken meate.
25 Therefore I say vnto you, be not carefull for your life, what ye shall eate, or what ye shall drinke: nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more worth then meate? and the bodie then raiment?
3 I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint my selfe at all, till three weekes of dayes were fulfilled.
24 Faire wordes are as an hony combe, sweetenesse to the soule, and health to the bones.
6 Blessed are they which hunger and thirst for righteousnes: for they shalbe filled.
10 Also hee that findeth seede to the sower, will minister likewise bread for foode, and multiplie your seede, and increase the fruites of your beneuolence,)
10 Bring ye all the tythes into the storehouse that there may be meate in mine House, and proue me nowe herewith, sayeth the Lord of hostes, if I will not open the windowes of heauen vnto you, and powre you out a blessing without measure.
3 Euery thing that moueth and liueth, shall be meate for you: as the greene herbe, haue I giuen you all things. 4 But flesh with the life thereof, I meane, with the blood thereof, shall ye not eate.
2 As newe borne babes desire that sincere milke of the woorde, that yee may growe thereby,