8 But aboue all thinges haue feruent loue among you: for loue shall couer the multitude of sinnes.
10 Be affectioned to loue one another with brotherly loue. In giuing honour, goe one before another,
34 A newe commandement giue I vnto you, that ye loue one another: as I haue loued you, that ye also loue one another. 35 By this shall all men knowe that ye are my disciples, if ye haue loue one to another.
13 Greater loue then this hath no man, when any man bestoweth his life for his friendes.
8 Finally, be ye all of one minde: one suffer with another: loue as brethren: bee pitifull: bee courteous,
9 But as touching brotherly loue, ye neede not that I write vnto you: for ye are taught of God to loue one another.
14 And aboue all these thinges put on loue, which is the bond of perfectnes.
37 Iesus sayd to him, Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thine heart, with all thy soule, and with all thy minde. 38 This is the first and the great commandement. 39 And the second is like vnto this, Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe.
8 But if yee fulfill the royall Lawe according to the Scripture, which saith, Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe, yee doe well.
11 For this is the message, that ye heard from the beginning, that we should loue one another,
14 We know that we are translated from death vnto life, because we loue the brethren: he that loueth not his brother, abideth in death.
10 Herein is that loue, not that we loued God, but that he loued vs, and sent his Sonne to be a reconciliation for our sinnes. 11 Beloued, if God so loued vs, we ought also to loue one another. 12 No man hath seene God at any time. If we loue one another, God dwelleth in vs, and his loue is perfect in vs.
20 If any man say, I loue God, and hate his brother, he is a liar: for how can he that loueth not his brother whom he hath seene, loue God whom he hath not seene? 21 And this commandement haue we of him, that he that loueth God, should loue his brother also.
12 This is my commandement, that ye loue one another, as I haue loued you.
8 Owe nothing to any man, but to loue one another: for he that loueth another, hath fulfilled the Lawe.
16 Hereby haue we perceiued loue, that he layde downe his life for vs: therefore we ought also to lay downe our liues for the brethren. 17 And whosoeuer hath this worlds good, and seeth his brother haue neede, and shutteth vp his compassion from him, howe dwelleth the loue of God in him? 18 My litle children, let vs not loue in worde, neither in tongue onely, but in deede and in trueth.
1 Let brotherly loue continue. 2 Be not forgetfull to intertaine strangers: for thereby some haue receiued Angels into their houses vnwares. 3 Remember them that are in bondes, as though ye were bounde with them: and them that are in affliction, as if ye were also afflicted in the body.
7 Beloued, let vs loue one another: for loue commeth of God, and euery one that loueth, is borne of God, and knoweth God.