16 For God so loued the worlde, that hee hath giuen his onely begotten Sonne, that whosoeuer beleeueth in him, should not perish, but haue euerlasting life.
3 Among whom we also had our conuersation in time past, in the lustes of our flesh, in fulfilling the will of the flesh, and of the minde, and were by nature the children of wrath, as well as others. 4 But God which is rich in mercie, through his great loue wherewith he loued vs, 5 Euen when we were dead by sinnes, hath quickened vs together in Christ, by whose grace ye are saued,
27 But I say vnto you which heare, Loue your enemies: doe well to them which hate you. 28 Blesse them that curse you, and pray for them which hurt you.
8 But aboue all thinges haue feruent loue among you: for loue shall couer the multitude of sinnes.
23 For there is no difference: for all haue sinned, and are depriued of the glorie of God, 24 And are iustified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus,
4 Loue suffreth long: it is bountifull: loue enuieth not: loue doeth not boast it selfe: it is not puffed vp: 5 It doeth no vncomely thing: it seeketh not her owne things: it is not prouoked to anger: it thinketh not euill:
19 We loue him, because he loued vs first.
3 The Lord hath appeared vnto me of old, say they: Yea, I haue loued thee with an euerlasting loue, therefore with mercie I haue drawen thee.
9 Herein was that loue of God made manifest amongst vs, because God sent that his onely begotten sonne into this world, that we might liue through him.
6 It reioyceth not in iniquitie, but reioyceth in the trueth: 7 It suffreth all things: it beleeueth all things: it hopeth all things: it endureth all things.
10 Herein is that loue, not that we loued God, but that he loued vs, and sent his Sonne to be a reconciliation for our sinnes.
17 A friende loueth at all times: and a brother is borne for aduersitie.
26 Praise ye the God of heauen: for his mercie endureth for euer.
43 Ye haue heard that it hath bin said, Thou shalt loue thy neighbour, and hate your enemie. 44 But I say vnto you, Loue your enemies: blesse them that curse you: doe good to them that hate you, and pray for them which hurt you, and persecute you, 45 That ye may be the children of your father that is in heauen: for he maketh his sunne to arise on the euill, and the good, and sendeth raine on the iust, and vniust. 46 For if ye loue them, which loue you, what rewarde shall you haue? Doe not the Publicanes euen the same? 47 And if ye be friendly to your brethren onely, what singular thing doe ye? doe not euen the Publicanes likewise? 48 Ye shall therefore be perfit, as your Father which is in heauen, is perfite.
4 But when that bountifulnesse and that loue of God our Sauiour toward man appeared, 5 Not by the woorkes of righteousnesse, which we had done, but according to his mercie he saued vs, by the washing of the newe birth, and the renewing of the holy Ghost, 6 Which he shed on vs aboundantly, through Iesus Christ our Sauiour,
35 Who shall separate vs from the loue of Christ? shall tribulation or anguish, or persecution, or famine, or nakednesse, or perill, or sworde?
5 Thy mercy, O Lord, reacheth vnto the heauens, and thy faithfulnesse vnto the cloudes.
16 Hereby haue we perceiued loue, that he layde downe his life for vs: therefore we ought also to lay downe our liues for the brethren.
7 Doutles one will scarce die for a righteous man: but yet for a good man it may be that one dare die. 8 But God setteth out his loue towards vs, seeing that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for vs.
8 But God setteth out his loue towards vs, seeing that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for vs.