Aniversário de Idoso
1 Praise the Lord, because he is good: for his mercie endureth for euer.
31 But they that waite vpon the Lord, shall renue their strength: they shall lift vp the wings as the eagles: they shall runne, and not be wearie, and they shall walke and not faint.
7 The Lord is my strength and my shielde: mine heart trusted in him, and I was helped: therfore mine heart shall reioyce, and with my song will I praise him.
24 The Lord blesse thee, and keepe thee, 25 The Lord make his face shine vpon thee, and be merciful vnto thee, 26 The Lord lift vp his coutenance vpon thee, and giue thee peace.
7 Thou hast giuen mee more ioye of heart, then they haue had, when their wheate and their wine did abound.
29 The beautie of yong men is their strength, and the glory of the aged is the gray head.
2 Beloued, I wish chiefly that thou prosperedst and faredst well as thy soule prospereth.
12 Teach vs so to nomber our dayes, that we may apply our heartes vnto wisdome.
4 One thing haue I desired of the Lord, that I will require, euen that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the dayes of my life, to beholde the beautie of the Lord, and to visite his Temple.
31 Age is a crowne of glory, when it is founde in the way of righteousnes.
11 Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is the fulnesse of ioy: and at thy right hand there are pleasures for euermore.
24 This is the day, which the Lord hath made: let vs reioyce and be glad in it.
10 Therefore beholde nowe, the Lord hath kept me aliue, as he promised: this is the fourtie and fift yeere since the Lord spake this thing vnto Moses, while the children of Israel wandered in the wildernes: and nowe loe, I am this day foure score and fiue yeere olde: 11 And yet am as strong at this time, as I was when Moses sent me: as strong as I was then, so strong am I nowe, either for warre, or for gouernment.
1 A Psalme of Dauid, when he changed his behauiour before Abimelech, who droue him away, and he departed. I will alway giue thankes vnto the Lord: his praise shalbe in my mouth continually.