20 But whiles he thought these things, behold, the Angel of the Lord appeared vnto him in a dreame, saying, Ioseph, the sonne of Dauid, feare not to take Mary thy wife: for that which is conceiued in her, is of the holy Ghost.
38 For I am perswaded that neither death, nor life, nor Angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shalbe able to separate vs from the loue of God, which is in Christ Iesus our Lord.
16 For the Lord himselfe shall descende from heauen with a shoute, and with the voyce of the Archangel, and with the trumpet of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then shall we which liue and remaine, be caught vp with them also in the clouds, to meete the Lord in the ayre: and so shall we euer be with the Lord.
1 Let brotherly loue continue. 2 Be not forgetfull to intertaine strangers: for thereby some haue receiued Angels into their houses vnwares.
10 Likewise I say vnto you, there is ioy in the presence of the Angels of God, for one sinner that conuerteth.
5 He that ouercommeth, shalbe clothed in white araye, and I will not put out his name out of the booke of life, but I will confesse his name before my Father, and before his Angels.
53 Either thinkest thou, that I can not now pray to my Father, and he will giue me moe then twelue legions of Angels?
5 But the Angel answered, and said to the women, Feare ye not: for I know that ye seeke Iesus which was crucified: 6 He is not here, for he is risen; as he saide: come, see the place where the Lord was laid,
16 And without controuersie, great is the mysterie of godlinesse, which is, God is manifested in the flesh, iustified in the Spirit, seene of Angels, preached vnto the Gentiles, beleeued on in the world, and receiued vp in glorie.
1 Though I speake with the tongues of men and Angels, and haue not loue, I am as sounding brasse, or a tinkling cymbal.
30 Then the Angel saide vnto her, Feare not, Marie: for thou hast found fauour with God. 31 For loe, thou shalt conceiue in thy wobe, and beare a sonne, and shalt call his name Iesus.
10 Then the Angel saide vnto them, Be not afraid: for behold, I bring you glad tidings of great ioy, that shalbe to all the people,
10 And while they looked stedfastly towarde heauen, as hee went, beholde, two men stoode by them in white apparell, 11 Which also sayde, Yee men of Galile, why stande yee gasing into heauen? This Iesus which is taken vp from you into heauen, shall so come, as yee haue seene him goe into heauen.
14 Glory be to God in the high heauens, and peace in earth, and towards men good will.