31 And when as they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together, and they were all filled with the holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God boldely.
19 Go therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and the Sonne, and the holy Ghost, 20 Teaching them to obserue all things, whatsoeuer I haue commanded you: and lo, I am with you alway, vntill the ende of the worlde, Amen.
13 Is Christ deuided? was Paul crucified for you? either were ye baptized into the name of Paul? 14 I thanke God, that I baptized none of you, but Crispus, and Gaius, 15 Lest any should say, that I had baptized into mine owne name. 16 I baptized also the houshold of Stephanas: furthermore knowe I not, whether I baptized any other. 17 For CHRIST sent me not to baptize, but to preache the Gospel, not with wisdome of wordes, lest the crosse of Christ should be made of none effect.
38 Then Peter said vnto them, Amend your liues, and bee baptized euery one of you in the Name of Iesus Christ for the remission of sinnes: and ye shall receiue the gift of the holy Ghost.
36 And as they went on their way, they came vnto a certaine water, and the Eunuche said, See, here is water: what doeth let me to be baptized? 37 And Philippe said vnto him, If thou beleeuest with all thine heart, thou mayest. Then he answered, and saide, I beleeue that that Iesus Christ is that Sonne of God. 38 Then he commanded the charet to stand stil: and they went downe both into the water, both Philip and the Eunuche, and he baptized him. 39 And assoone as they were come vp out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the Eunuche sawe him no more: so he went on his way reioycing.
5 Iesus answered, Verely, verely I say vnto thee, except that a man be borne of water and of the Spirite, hee can not enter into the kingdome of God.
13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we bee Iewes, or Grecians, whether we be bonde, or free, and haue bene all made to drinke into one Spirit.
4 Then saide Paul, Iohn verely baptized with the baptisme of repentance, saying vnto the people, that they shoulde beleeue in him, which should come after him, that is, in Christ Iesus.
47 Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which haue receiued the holy Ghost, as well as we? 48 So he commanded them to be baptized in the Name of the Lord. Then prayed they him to tary certaine dayes.
41 Then they that gladly receiued his word, were baptized: and the same day there were added to the Church about three thousand soules.
18 And Iesus came, and spake vnto them, saying, All power is giuen vnto me, in heauen, and in earth. 19 Go therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and the Sonne, and the holy Ghost, 20 Teaching them to obserue all things, whatsoeuer I haue commanded you: and lo, I am with you alway, vntill the ende of the worlde, Amen.
12 But assoone as they beleeued Philip, which preached the thinges that concerned the kingdome of God, and the Name of Iesus Christ, they were baptized both men and women. 13 Then Simon himselfe beleeued also and was baptized, and continued with Philippe, and wondred, when he sawe the signes and great miracles which were done.
5 And when they heard it, they were baptized in the Name of the Lord Iesus. 6 So Paul layde his handes vpon them, and the holy Ghost came on them, and they spake the tongues, and prophecied.
3 Knowe ye not, that all we which haue bene baptized into Iesus Christ, haue bene baptized into his death? 4 We are buried then with him by baptisme into his death, that like as Christ was raysed vp from the dead to the glorie of the Father, so we also should walke in newnesse of life.
13 If yee then which are euill, can giue good giftes vnto your children, howe much more shall your heauenly Father giue the holy Ghost to them, that desire him?
5 For Iohn in deede baptized with water, but ye shall be baptized with the holy Ghost within these fewe daies.
5 Iesus answered, Verely, verely I say vnto thee, except that a man be borne of water and of the Spirite, hee can not enter into the kingdome of God.
2 Howe shall we, that are dead to sinne, liue yet therein? 3 Knowe ye not, that all we which haue bene baptized into Iesus Christ, haue bene baptized into his death? 4 We are buried then with him by baptisme into his death, that like as Christ was raysed vp from the dead to the glorie of the Father, so we also should walke in newnesse of life. 5 For if we be planted with him to the similitude of his death, euen so shall we be to the similitude of his resurrection, 6 Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sinne might be destroied, that henceforth we should not serue sinne. 7 For he that is dead, is freed from sinne.
16 He that shall beleeue and be baptized, shalbe saued: but he that will not beleeue, shalbe damned.
21 Whereof the baptisme that nowe is, answering that figure, (which is not a putting away of the filth of the flesh, but a confident demaunding which a good conscience maketh to God) saueth vs also by the resurrection of Iesus Christ,
3 Knowe ye not, that all we which haue bene baptized into Iesus Christ, haue bene baptized into his death?
5 Not by the woorkes of righteousnesse, which we had done, but according to his mercie he saued vs, by the washing of the newe birth, and the renewing of the holy Ghost,
21 Nowe it came to passe, as all the people were baptized, and that Iesus was baptized and did pray, that the heauen was opened: 22 And the holy Ghost came downe in a bodily shape like a doue, vpon him, and there was a voyce from heauen, saying, Thou art my beloued Sonne: in thee I am well pleased.
15 And he saide vnto them, Goe ye into all the worlde, and preach the Gospel to euery creature. 16 He that shall beleeue and be baptized, shalbe saued: but he that will not beleeue, shalbe damned.
16 Now therefore why tariest thou? Arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sinnes, in calling on the Name of the Lord.
12 In that yee are buried with him through baptisme, in whome ye are also raised vp together through the faith of the operation of God, which raised him from the dead.
33 And I knewe him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, he saide vnto me, Vpon whom thou shalt see that Spirit come downe, and tary still on him, that is he which baptizeth with the holy Ghost.
8 But yee shall receiue power of the holy Ghost, when he shall come on you: and ye shalbe witnesses vnto me both in Hierusalem and in all Iudea, and in Samaria, and vnto the vttermost part of the earth.
5 And when they heard it, they were baptized in the Name of the Lord Iesus.
6 So Paul layde his handes vpon them, and the holy Ghost came on them, and they spake the tongues, and prophecied.
33 And I knewe him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, he saide vnto me, Vpon whom thou shalt see that Spirit come downe, and tary still on him, that is he which baptizeth with the holy Ghost.
38 Then Peter said vnto them, Amend your liues, and bee baptized euery one of you in the Name of Iesus Christ for the remission of sinnes: and ye shall receiue the gift of the holy Ghost.
26 For ye are al the sonnes of God by faith, in Christ Iesus. 27 For all ye that are baptized into Christ, haue put on Christ.
47 Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which haue receiued the holy Ghost, as well as we?
13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we bee Iewes, or Grecians, whether we be bonde, or free, and haue bene all made to drinke into one Spirit.
13 Then came Iesus from Galile to Iordan vnto Iohn, to be baptized of him.
9 And it came to passe in those dayes, that Iesus came from Nazareth, a citie of Galile, and was baptized of Iohn in Iordan. 10 And assoone as he was come out of the water, Iohn saw the heauens clouen in twaine, and the holy Ghost descending vpon him like a doue.