16 Then Iaakob awoke out of his sleepe, and sayde, Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware. 17 And he was afraid, and said, How fearefull is this place! this is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heauen.
4 One thing haue I desired of the Lord, that I will require, euen that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the dayes of my life, to beholde the beautie of the Lord, and to visite his Temple.
44 Our fathers had the tabernacle of witnes, in the wildernes, as hee had appointed, speaking vnto Moses, that he should make it according to the fashion that he had seene. 45 Which tabernacle also our fathers receiued, and brought in with Iesus into the possession of the Gentiles, which God draue out before our fathers, vnto the dayes of Dauid: 46 Who found fauour before God, and desired that hee might finde a tabernacle for the God of Iacob. 47 But Salomon built him an house. 48 Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with handes, as saith the Prophet, 49 Heauen is my throne, and earth is my footestoole: what house wil ye build for me, saith the Lord? or what place is it that I should rest in? 50 Hath not mine hand made all these things?
19 Knowe yee not, that your body is the temple of the holy Ghost, which is in you, whom ye haue of God? and yee are not your owne.
10 For a day in thy courtes is better then a thousand other where: I had rather be a doore keeper in the House of my God, then to dwell in the Tabernacles of wickednesse.
8 But I shall bee like a greene oliue tree in the house of God: for I trusted in the mercie of God for euer and euer.
9 For the zeale of thine house hath eaten mee, and the rebukes of them that rebuked thee, are fallen vpon me.
12 And Iesus went into the Temple of God, and cast out all them that solde and bought in the Temple, and ouerthrew the tables of the money chagers, and the seates of them that sold doues, 13 And said to them, it is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer: but ye haue made it a denne of theeues.
1 Thus saith the Lord, The heauen is my throne, and the earth is my footestoole: where is that house that ye will builde vnto me? and where is that place of my rest? 2 For all these things hath mine hand made, and all these things haue bene, sayth the Lord: and to him will I looke, euen to him, that is poore, and of a contrite spirite and trembleth at my wordes.
4 Blessed is he, whom thou chusest and causest to come to thee: he shall dwell in thy courtes, and we shall be satisfied with the pleasures of thine House, euen of thine holy Temple.
6 But Christ is as the Sonne, ouer his owne house, whose house we are, if we holde fast that confidence and that reioycing of that hope vnto the ende.
1 A song of degrees, or Psalme of David. I rejoiced, when they sayd to me, We wil go into the house of the Lord.
13 For the Iewes Passeouer was at hande. Therefore Iesus went vp to Hierusalem. 14 And he found in the Temple those that sold oxen, and sheepe, and doues, and changers of money, sitting there. 15 Then hee made a scourge of small cordes, and draue them all out of the Temple with the sheepe and oxen, and powred out the changers money, and ouerthrewe the tables, 16 And said vnto them that solde doues, Take these things hence: make not my fathers house, an house of marchandise. 17 And his disciples remembred, that it was written, The zeale of thine house hath eaten me vp.
6 Doubtlesse kindnesse and mercie shall follow me all the dayes of my life, and I shall remaine a long season in the house of the Lord.
15 But if I tary long, that thou maist yet know, how thou oughtest to behaue thy self in ye house of God, which is the Church of the liuing God, the pillar and ground of trueth.