9 And he said vnto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my power is made perfect through weakenesse. Very gladly therefore will I reioyce rather in mine infirmities, that the power of Christ may dwell in me.
17 The sacrifices of God are a contrite spirit: a contrite and a broken heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.
3 Blessed are the poore in spirit, for theirs is the kingdome of heauen. 4 Blessed are they that mourne: for they shall be comforted. 5 Blessed are the meeke: for they shall inherite the earth.
26 My flesh fayleth and mine heart also: but God is the strength of mine heart, and my portion for euer.
15 For thus sayth he that is hie and excellent, he that inhabiteth the eternitie, whose Name is the Holy one, I dwell in the high and holy place: with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirite to reuiue the spirite of the humble, and to giue life to them that are of a contrite heart.
3 He healeth those that are broken in heart, and bindeth vp their sores.
1 The Spirit of the Lord God is vpon mee, therefore hath the Lord anoynted mee: hee hath sent mee to preache good tidings vnto the poore, to binde vp the broken hearted, to preach libertie to the captiues, and to them that are bound, the opening of the prison, 2 To preache the acceptable yeere of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all that mourne, 3 To appoint vnto them that mourne in Zion, and to giue vnto them beautie for ashes, the oyle of ioye for mourning, the garment of gladnesse for the spirit of heauinesse, that they might be called trees of righteousnesse, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified.
2 For all these things hath mine hand made, and all these things haue bene, sayth the Lord: and to him will I looke, euen to him, that is poore, and of a contrite spirite and trembleth at my wordes.
18 The Lord is neere vnto them that are of a contrite heart, and will saue such as be afflicted in Spirite.
10 For godly sorowe causeth repentance vnto saluation, not to be repented of: but the worldly sorowe causeth death. 11 For beholde, this thing that ye haue bene godly sory, what great care it hath wrought in you: yea, what clearing of yourselues: yea, what indignation: yea, what feare: yea, howe great desire: yea, what a zeale: yea, what reuenge: in all things ye haue shewed your selues, that ye are pure in this matter.