17 But the louing kindnesse of the Lord endureth for euer and euer vpon them that feare him, and his righteousnes vpon childrens children,
25 I haue beene yong, and am olde: yet I sawe neuer the righteous forsaken, nor his seede begging bread.
4 Therefore vnto olde age, I the same, euen I will beare you vntill the hoare heares: I haue made you: I will also beare you, and I will cary you and I will deliuer you.
31 Age is a crowne of glory, when it is founde in the way of righteousnes.
9 But take heede to thy selfe, and keepe thy soule diligently, that thou forget not the thinges which thine eyes haue seene, and that they depart not out of thine heart, all the dayes of thy life: but teach them thy sonnes, and thy sonnes sonnes:
14 They shall still bring foorth fruite in their age: they shall be fat and flourishing, 15 To declare that the Lord my rocke is righteous, and that none iniquitie is in him.
30 Euen the yong men shall faint, and be wearie, and the yong men shall stumble and fall. 31 But they that waite vpon the Lord, shall renue their strength: they shall lift vp the wings as the eagles: they shall runne, and not be wearie, and they shall walke and not faint.
5 For the Lord is good: his mercy is euerlasting, and his trueth is from generation to generation.
4 Generation shall praise thy works vnto generation, and declare thy power.
6 Childres children are the crowne of the elders: and the glory of ye children are their fathers.