23 And washed in our bodies with pure water, let vs keepe the profession of our hope, without wauering, (for he is faithfull that promised)
13 Nowe the God of hope fill you with all ioye, and peace in beleeuing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the holy Ghost.
23 And washed in our bodies with pure water, let vs keepe the profession of our hope, without wauering, (for he is faithfull that promised)
1 Now faith is the grounds of things, which are hoped for, and the euidence of things which are not seene.
1 The Spirit of the Lord God is vpon mee, therefore hath the Lord anoynted mee: hee hath sent mee to preache good tidings vnto the poore, to binde vp the broken hearted, to preach libertie to the captiues, and to them that are bound, the opening of the prison,
27 To whome God woulde make knowen what is the riches of his glorious mysterie among the Gentiles, which riches is Christ in you, the hope of glory,
24 All ye that trust in the Lord, be strong, and he shall establish your heart.
5 Blessed is he, that hath the God of Iaakob for his helpe, whose hope is in the Lord his God.
13 Nowe the God of hope fill you with all ioye, and peace in beleeuing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the holy Ghost.
11 For I knowe the thoughtes, that I haue thought towards you, saith the Lord, euen the thoughtes of peace, and not of trouble, to giue you an ende, and your hope.
11 For I knowe the thoughtes, that I haue thought towards you, saith the Lord, euen the thoughtes of peace, and not of trouble, to giue you an ende, and your hope.
3 And euery man that hath this hope in him, purgeth himselfe, euen as he is pure.
24 For we are saued by hope: but hope that is seene, is not hope: for how can a man hope for that which he seeth? 25 But if we hope for that we see not, we doe with patience abide for it.
15 But sanctifie the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready alwayes to giue an answere to euery man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you, with meekenesse and reuerence,
24 All ye that trust in the Lord, be strong, and he shall establish your heart.
4 There is one body, and one Spirit, euen as yee are called in one hope of your vocation.
22 Let thy mercie, O Lord, be vpon vs, as we trust in thee.
7 The Lord shall preserue thee from all euil: he shall keepe thy soule. 8 The Lord shall preserue thy going out, and thy comming in from henceforth and for euer.
3 Without ceasing, remembring your effectuall faith, and diligent loue, and the patience of your hope in our Lord Iesus Christ, in the sight of God euen our Father,
22 Let thy mercie, O Lord, be vpon vs, as we trust in thee.
10 For therefore we labour and are rebuked, because we trust in the liuing God, which is the Sauiour of all men, specially of those that beleeue.
5 And hope maketh not ashamed, because the loue of God is shed abroade in our heartes by the holy Ghost, which is giuen vnto vs.
3 Heare my voyce in the morning, O Lord: for in the morning will I direct me vnto thee, and I will waite.
5 And hope maketh not ashamed, because the loue of God is shed abroade in our heartes by the holy Ghost, which is giuen vnto vs.
114 Thou art my refuge and shield, and I trust in thy worde.
31 But they that waite vpon the Lord, shall renue their strength: they shall lift vp the wings as the eagles: they shall runne, and not be wearie, and they shall walke and not faint.
12 The hope that is deferred, is the fainting of the heart: but when the desire commeth, it is as a tree of life.
1 Now faith is the grounds of things, which are hoped for, and the euidence of things which are not seene.
7 And now Lord, what wait I for? mine hope is euen in thee.
5 I haue waited on the Lord: my soule hath waited, and I haue trusted in his worde.
12 Seeing then that we haue such trust, we vse great boldnesse of speach.
5 Yet my soule keepe thou silence vnto God: for mine hope is in him.
3 Neither that onely, but also we reioyce in tribulations, knowing that tribulation bringeth forth patience, 4 And patience experience, and experience hope,
7 That we, being iustified by his grace, should be made heires according to the hope of eternall life.
5 O God of our saluation, thou wilt answere vs with fearefull signes in thy righteousnes, O thou the hope of all the ends of the earth, and of them that are farre off in the sea.
18 That the eyes of your vnderstanding may be lightened, that ye may knowe what the hope is of his calling, and what the riches of his glorious inheritance is in the Saints,
7 Therefore I will looke vnto the Lord: I will waite for God my Sauiour: my God will heare me.
11 Why art thou cast downe, my soule? and why art thou disquieted within mee? waite on God: for I wil yet giue him thankes: he is my present helpe, and my God.
3 Blessed bee God, euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ, which according to his aboundant mercie hath begotten vs againe vnto a liuely hope by the resurrection of Iesus Christ from the dead,
114 Thou art my refuge and shield, and I trust in thy worde.
17 A horse is a vaine helpe, and shall not deliuer any by his great strength. 18 Beholde, the eye of the Lord is vpon them that feare him, and vpon them, that trust in his mercie, 19 To deliuer their soules from death, and to preserue them in famine.
17 Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high minded, and that they trust not in vncertaine riches, but in the liuing God, (which giueth vs aboundantly, all things to enioy)
13 And nowe abideth faith, hope and loue, euen these three: but the chiefest of these is loue.
3 Blessed bee God, euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ, which according to his aboundant mercie hath begotten vs againe vnto a liuely hope by the resurrection of Iesus Christ from the dead,
12 Reioycing in hope, pacient in tribulation, continuing in prayer,
18 For the poore shall not bee alway forgotten: the hope of the afflicted shall not perish for euer.
16 Who onely hath immortalitie, and dwelleth in the light that none can attaine vnto, whom neuer man sawe, neither can see, vnto whome bee honour and power euerlasting, Amen.
13 I would not, brethren, haue you ignorant concerning them which are a sleepe, that ye sorow not euen as other which haue no hope. 14 For if we beleeue that Iesus is dead, and is risen, euen so them which sleepe in Iesus, will God bring with him.
20 Our soule waiteth for the Lord: for he is our helpe and our shielde.
1 Then being iustified by faith, we haue peace toward God through our Lord Iesus Christ. 2 By who also through faith, we haue had this accesse into this grace, wherein we stand, and reioyce vnder ye hope of the glory of God.
81 CAPH. My soule fainteth for thy saluation: yet I waite for thy worde.
28 Come vnto me, all ye that are wearie and laden, and I will ease you.
5 Leade me foorth in thy trueth, and teache me: for thou art the God of my saluation: in thee doe I trust all the day.
15 But sanctifie the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready alwayes to giue an answere to euery man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you, with meekenesse and reuerence,
24 The Lord is my portion, sayth my soule: therefore wil I hope in him.
12 The hope that is deferred, is the fainting of the heart: but when the desire commeth, it is as a tree of life.
4 Since wee heard of your faith in Christ Iesus, and of your loue toward all Saintes, 5 For the hopes sake, which is laide vp for you in heauen, whereof yee haue heard before by the word of trueth, which is the Gospel,
25 But if we hope for that we see not, we doe with patience abide for it.
2 My God, I trust in thee: let me not be confounded: let not mine enemies reioyce ouer mee. 3 So all that hope in thee, shall not be ashamed: but let them be confounded, that transgresse without cause.
11 Why art thou cast downe, my soule? and why art thou disquieted within mee? waite on God: for I wil yet giue him thankes: he is my present helpe, and my God.