8 If there bee any that prouideth not for his owne, and namely for them of his housholde, hee denieth the faith, and is worse then an infidell.
7 Beloued, let vs loue one another: for loue commeth of God, and euery one that loueth, is borne of God, and knoweth God.
19 Speaking vnto your selues in psalmes, and hymnes, and spirituall songs, singing, and making melodie to the Lord in your hearts,
15 Moreouer, if thy brother trespasse against thee, goe and tell him his fault betweene thee and him alone: if he heare thee, thou hast wonne thy brother. 16 But if he heare thee not, take yet with thee one or two, that by the mouth of two or three witnesses euery worde may be confirmed.
17 Yron sharpeneth yron, so doeth man sharpen the face of his friend.
15 Moreouer, if thy brother trespasse against thee, goe and tell him his fault betweene thee and him alone: if he heare thee, thou hast wonne thy brother. 16 But if he heare thee not, take yet with thee one or two, that by the mouth of two or three witnesses euery worde may be confirmed. 17 And if he refuse to heare them, tell it vnto the Church: and if he refuse to heare the Church also, let him be vnto thee as an heathen man, and a Publicane. 18 Verely I say vnto you, Whatsoeuer ye bind on earth, shall be bound in heauen: and whatsoeuer ye loose on earth, shalbe loosed in heauen. 19 Againe, verely I say vnto you, that if two of you shall agree in earth vpon any thing, whatsoeuer they shall desire, it shall be giuen them of my Father which is in heauen. 20 For where two or three are gathered together in my Name, there am I in the mids of them.
17 Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart, but thou shalt plainely rebuke thy neighbour, and suffer him not to sinne.
35 For whosoeuer doeth the will of God, he is my brother, and my sister, and mother.
1 Rebuke not an Elder, but exhort him as a father, and the yonger men as brethren, 2 The elder women as mothers, the yonger as sisters, with all purenesse.
40 And the King shall answere, and say vnto them, Verely I say vnto you, in as much as ye haue done it vnto one of the least of these my brethre, ye haue done it to me.
25 Not forsaking the fellowship that we haue among our selues, as the maner of some is: but let vs exhort one another, and that so much the more, because ye see that the day draweth neere.
35 So likewise shall mine heauenly Father doe vnto you, except ye forgiue from your hearts, eche one to his brother their trespasses.
10 Hee that loueth his brother, abideth in that light, and there is none occasion of euil in him.
22 Hauing purified your soules in obeying the trueth through the spirite, to loue brotherly without faining, loue one another with a pure heart feruently,
17 A friende loueth at all times: and a brother is borne for aduersitie.
34 A newe commandement giue I vnto you, that ye loue one another: as I haue loued you, that ye also loue one another. 35 By this shall all men knowe that ye are my disciples, if ye haue loue one to another.
1 Whosoeuer beleeueth that Iesus is that Christ, is borne of God: and euery one that loueth him, which begate, loueth him also which is begotten of him.
20 If any man say, I loue God, and hate his brother, he is a liar: for how can he that loueth not his brother whom he hath seene, loue God whom he hath not seene?
24 A man that hath friends, ought to shew him selfe friendly: for a friend is neerer then a brother.
16 Let the worde of Christ dwell in you plenteously in all wisdome, teaching and admonishing your owne selues, in Psalmes, and hymnes, and spirituall songs, singing with a grace in your hearts to the Lord.
10 Thine owne friend and thy fathers friend forsake thou not: neither enter into thy brothers house in the day of thy calamitie: for better is a neighbour that is neere, then a brother farre off.