7 For the whole nature of beasts, and of birds, and of creeping things, and things of the sea is tamed, and hath bene tamed of the nature of man. 8 But the tongue can no man tame. It is an vnruly euill, full of deadly poyson.
15 A Prince is pacified by staying of anger, and a soft tongue breaketh the bones.
3 The Lord cut off all flattering lippes, and the tongue that speaketh proude things: 4 Which haue saide, With our tongue will we preuaile: our lippes are our owne: who is Lord ouer vs?
1 To the excellent musician Ieduthun. I thought, I will take heede to my wayes, that I sinne not with my tongue: I will keepe my mouth brideled, while the wicked is in my sight.
9 Wherefore God hath also highly exalted him, and giuen him a Name aboue euery name, 10 That at the Name of Iesus shoulde euery knee bowe, both of things in heauen, and things in earth, and things vnder the earth, 11 And that euery tongue shoulde confesse that Iesus Christ is the Lord, vnto the glory of God the Father.
1 Though I speake with the tongues of men and Angels, and haue not loue, I am as sounding brasse, or a tinkling cymbal.
2 For in many things we sinne all. If any man sinne not in word, he is a perfect man, and able to bridle all the body.
36 But I say vnto you, that of euery idle word that men shall speake, they shall giue account thereof at the day of iudgement. 37 For by thy wordes thou shalt be iustified, and by thy wordes thou shalt be condemned.
9 Destroy, O Lord, and deuide their tongues: for I haue seene crueltie and strife in the citie.
12 What man is he, that desireth life, and loueth long dayes for to see good? 13 Keepe thy tongue from euill, and thy lips, that they speake no guile.
28 And my tongue shall vtter thy righteousnesse, and thy praise euery day.
18 There is that speaketh wordes like the prickings of a sworde: but the tongue of wise men is health.
28 Euen a foole (when he holdeth his peace) is counted wise, and hee that stoppeth his lips, prudent.
26 If any man amog you seeme religious, and refraineth not his tongue, but deceiueth his owne heart, this mans religion is vaine.
2 Deliuer my soule, O Lord, from lying lippes, and from a deceitfull tongue.
3 Beholde, we put bittes into the horses mouthes, that they should obey vs, and we turne about all their bodie. 4 Behold also the shippes, which though they be so great, and are driuen of fierce windes, yet are they turned about with a very small rudder, whither soeuer the gouernour listeth. 5 Euen so the tongue is a litle member, and boasteth of great things: beholde, howe great a thing a litle fire kindleth. 6 And the tongue is fire, yea, a worlde of wickednesse: so is the tongue set among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature, and it is set on fire of hell.
4 For there is not a word in my tongue, but loe, thou knowest it wholy, O Lord.
21 Death and life are in the power of ye tongue, and they that loue it, shall eate the fruite thereof.
5 But the Lord came downe, to see the citie and towre, which the sonnes of men builded. 6 And the Lord said, Beholde, the people is one, and they all haue one language, and this they begin to doe, neither can they now be stopped from whatsoeuer they haue imagined to do. 7 Come on, let vs goe downe, and there confound their language, that euery one perceiue not anothers speache. 8 So ye Lord scattered them from thence vpon all the earth, and they left off to build the citie. 9 Therefore the name of it was called Babel, because the Lord did there confounde the language of all the earth: from thence then did the Lord scatter them vpon all the earth.
9 Therewith blesse we God euen the Father, and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God. 10 Out of one mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing: my brethren, these things ought not so to be. 11 Doeth a fountaine send forth at one place sweete water and bitter? 12 Can ye figge tree, my brethren, bring forth oliues, either a vine figges? so can no fountaine make both salt water and sweete.
19 The lip of trueth shall be stable for euer: but a lying tongue varieth incontinently.
19 In many wordes there cannot want iniquitie: but he that refrayneth his lippes, is wise.
30 The mouth of the righteous will speake of wisedome, and his tongue will talke of iudgement. 31 For the Lawe of his God is in his heart, and his steppes shall not slide.