11 And I saw a great white throne, and one that sate on it, from whose face fled away both the earth and heauen, and their place was no more found. 12 And I saw the dead, both great and small stand before God: and the bookes were opened, and another booke was opened, which is the booke of life, and the dead were iudged of those thinges, which were written in the bookes, according to their woorkes. 13 And the sea gaue vp her dead, which were in her, and death and hell deliuered vp the dead, which were in them: and they were iudged euery man according to their woorkes. 14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire: this is the second death. 15 And whosoeuer was not found written in the booke of life, was cast into the lake of fire.
16 Then spake they that feared the Lord, euery one to his neighbour, and the Lord hearkened and heard it, and a booke of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought vpon his Name.
27 And there shall enter into it none vncleane thing, neither whatsoeuer woorketh abomination or lies: but they which are written in ye Lambes booke of life.
16 Thine eyes did see me, when I was without forme: for in thy booke were all things written, which in continuance were facioned, when there was none of them before.
1 And at that time shall Michael stand vp, ye great prince, which standeth for ye children of thy people, and there shall be a time of trouble, such as neuer was since there began to be a nation vnto that same time: and at that time thy people shall be deliuered, euery one that shall be foud written in ye boke. 2 And many of them that sleepe in the dust of the earth, shall awake, some to euerlasting life, and some to shame and perpetuall contempt.
5 He that ouercommeth, shalbe clothed in white araye, and I will not put out his name out of the booke of life, but I will confesse his name before my Father, and before his Angels.
26 For they persecute him, whome thou hast smitten: and they adde vnto the sorrowe of them, whome thou hast wounded. 27 Laie iniquitie vpon their iniquitie, and let them not come into thy righteousnesse. 28 Let them be put out of the booke of life, neither let them be written with the righteous.
20 Neuerthelesse, in this reioyce not, that the spirits are subdued vnto you: but rather reioyce, because your names are written in heauen.
3 Yea, and I beseech thee, faithfull yokefellow, helpe those women, which laboured with me in the Gospel, with Clement also, and with other my fellowe labourers, whose names are in the booke of life.
32 Therefore now if thou pardon their sinne, thy mercy shall appeare: but if thou wilt not, I pray thee, rase me out of thy booke, which thou hast written. 33 Then the Lord sayd to Moses, Whosoeuer hath sinned against me, I will put out of my booke.
8 The beast that thou hast seene, was, and is not, and shall ascend out of the bottomles pit, and shall goe into perdition, and they that dwell on the earth, shall wonder (whose names are not written in the booke of life from the foundation of ye world) when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
8 Thou hast counted my wandrings: put my teares into thy bottel: are they not in thy register?
8 Therefore all that dwell vpon the earth, shall worship him, whose names are not written in the booke of life of that Lambe, which was slaine from the beginning of the world.