13 And whatsoeuer ye aske in my Name, that will I doe, that the Father may be glorified in the Sonne. 14 If ye shall aske any thing in my Name, I will doe it.
24 Knowe ye not, that they which runne in a race, runne all, yet one receiueth the price? so runne that ye may obtaine. 25 And euery man that proueth masteries, abstaineth from all things: and they do it to obtaine a corruptible crowne: but we for an vncorruptible. 26 I therefore so runne, not as vncertainely: so fight I, not as one that beateth the ayre. 27 But I beate downe my body, and bring it into subiection, lest by any meanes after that I haue preached to other, I my selfe should be reproued.
6 Plucke vp your hearts therefore, and be strong: dread not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God him selfe doeth goe with thee: he will not faile thee, nor forsake thee.
23 And whatsoeuer ye doe, doe it heartily, as to the Lord, and not to men,
10 All that thine hand shall finde to doe, doe it with all thy power: for there is neither worke nor inuention, nor knowledge, nor wisedome in the graue whither thou goest.
13 For it is God which worketh in you, both the will and the deede, euen of his good pleasure.
13 Brethren, I count not my selfe, that I haue attained to it, but one thing I doe: I forget that which is behinde, and endeuour my selfe vnto that which is before, 14 And follow hard toward the marke, for the prise of the hie calling of God in Christ Iesus.
1 Wherefore, let vs also, seeing that we are compassed with so great a cloude of witnesses, cast away euery thing that presseth downe, and the sinne that hangeth so fast on: let vs runne with patience the race that is set before vs, 2 Looking vnto Iesus the authour and finisher of our faith, who for the ioy that was set before him, endured the crosse, and despised the shame, and is set at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider therefore him that endured such speaking against of sinners, lest ye should be wearied and faint in your mindes.
13 I am able to do al things through the helpe of Christ, which strengtheneth me.
11 For I knowe the thoughtes, that I haue thought towards you, saith the Lord, euen the thoughtes of peace, and not of trouble, to giue you an ende, and your hope.
29 But he giueth strength vnto him that fainteth, and vnto him that hath no strength, he encreaseth power. 30 Euen the yong men shall faint, and be wearie, and the yong men shall stumble and fall. 31 But they that waite vpon the Lord, shall renue their strength: they shall lift vp the wings as the eagles: they shall runne, and not be wearie, and they shall walke and not faint.
10 I will greatly reioyce in the Lord, and my soule shall be ioyfull in my God: for he hath clothed mee with the garments of saluation, and couered me with the robe of righteousnes: hee hath decked me like a bridegrome, and as a bride tireth herselfe with her iewels.
10 For euen when we were with you, this we warned you of, that if there were any, which would not worke, that he should not eate. 11 For we heare, that there are some which walke among you inordinately, and worke not at all, but are busie bodies. 12 Therefore them that are such, we warne and exhort by our Lord Iesus Christ, that they worke with quietnes, and eate their owne bread. 13 And ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.
7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and tenne thousand at thy right hand, but it shall not come neere thee.
29 Therefore aske not what yee shall eate, or what ye shall drinke, neither hag you in suspense. 30 For all such things the people of the world seeke for: and your Father knoweth that ye haue neede of these things.
19 Go therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and the Sonne, and the holy Ghost, 20 Teaching them to obserue all things, whatsoeuer I haue commanded you: and lo, I am with you alway, vntill the ende of the worlde, Amen.