5 As thou knowest not which is ye way of the spirit, nor how the bones doe growe in the wombe of her that is with child: so thou knowest not the worke of God that worketh all.
27 I prayed for this childe, and the Lord hath giuen me my desire which I asked of him.
13 For thou hast possessed my reines: thou hast couered me in my mothers wombe.
16 And he tooke them vp in his armes, and put his hands vpon them, and blessed them.
9 But thou didest draw me out of ye wombe: thou gauest me hope, euen at my mothers breasts.
9 Shall I cause to trauaile, and not bring forth? shall I cause to bring forth, and shall be baren, saith thy God?
14 I will praise thee, for I am fearefully and wonderously made: marueilous are thy workes, and my soule knoweth it well. 15 My bones are not hid from thee, though I was made in a secret place, and facioned beneath in the earth. 16 Thine eyes did see me, when I was without forme: for in thy booke were all things written, which in continuance were facioned, when there was none of them before.
21 A woman when she traueileth, hath sorowe, because her houre is come: but assoone as she is deliuered of the childe, she remembreth no more the anguish, for ioy that a man is borne into the world.
17 Euery good giuing, and euery perfect gift is from aboue, and commeth downe from the Father of lights, with whome is no variablenes, neither shadow of turning.
14 But Iesus sayd, Suffer the litle children, and forbid them not to come to me: for of such is the kingdome of heauen.
3 Beholde, children are the inheritance of the Lord, and the fruite of the wombe his rewarde.
5 Before I formed thee in the wombe, I knewe thee, and before thou camest out of the wombe, I sanctified thee, and ordeined thee to be a Prophet vnto the nations.