8 Drawe neere to God, and he will drawe neere to you. Clense your handes, ye sinners, and purge your hearts, ye double minded.
3 Call vnto me, and I will answere thee, and shewe thee great and mightie things, which thou knowest not.
17 Pray continually.
7 Aske, and it shall be giuen you: seeke, and ye shall finde: knocke, and it shall be opened vnto you. 8 For whosoeuer asketh, receiueth: and he, that seeketh, findeth: and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened.
22 And whatsoeuer ye shall aske in prayer, if ye beleeue, ye shall receiue it.
2 Because thou hearest the prayer, vnto thee shall all flesh come.
1 A Psalme of David. When he was in the wildernesse of Judah. O God, thou art my God, earely will I seeke thee: my soule thirsteth for thee: my flesh longeth greatly after thee in a barren and drye land without water.
14 And this is that assurance, that we haue in him, that if we aske any thing according to his will, he heareth vs.
2 Ye lust, and haue not: ye enuie, and desire immoderately, and cannot obtaine: ye fight and warre, and get nothing, because ye aske not.
24 For he hath not despised nor abhorred ye affliction of the poore: neither hath he hid his face from him, but when he called vnto him, he heard.
1 I love the Lord, because he hath heard my voyce and my prayers. 2 For he hath inclined his eare vnto me, whe I did call vpon him in my dayes.
6 Be nothing carefull, but in all thinges let your requestes be shewed vnto God in praier, and supplication with giuing of thankes. 7 And the peace of God which passeth all vnderstanding, shall preserue your heartes and mindes in Christ Iesus.
7 And there is none that calleth vpon thy Name, neither that stirreth vp himselfe to take holde of thee: for thou hast hid thy face from vs, and hast consumed vs because of our iniquities.
2 And he said vnto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father, which art in heauen, halowed be thy Name: Thy kingdome come: Let thy will be done, euen in earth, as it is in heauen: 3 Our dayly bread giue vs for the day: 4 And forgiue vs our sinnes: for euen we forgiue euery man that is indetted to vs: And leade vs not into temptation: but deliuer vs from euill.
19 Surely a people shall dwell in Zion, and in Ierusalem: thou shalt weepe no more: he wil certainly haue mercy vpon thee at the voyce of thy crye: when he heareth thee, he wil answere thee.
2 Continue in prayer, and watch in the fame with thankesgiuing,
16 Let vs therefore goe boldly vnto ye throne of grace, that we may receiue mercy, and finde grace to helpe in time of neede.
16 Acknowledge your faultes one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed: for the prayer of a righteous man auaileth much, if it be feruent.
5 If any of you lacke wisedome, let him aske of God, which giueth to all men liberally, and reprocheth no man, and it shalbe giuen him. 6 But let him aske in faith, and wauer not: for hee that wauereth, is like a waue of the sea, tost of the winde, and caried away. 7 Neither let that man thinke that hee shall receiue any thing of the Lord. 8 A double minded man is vnstable in all his waies.
19 Arise, cry in the night: in the beginning of the watches powre out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord: lift vp thine handes towarde him for the life of thy yong children, that faint for hunger in the corners of all the streetes.
25 Nowe at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sung Psalmes vnto God: and the prisoners heard them.
7 Waite patiently vpon the Lord and hope in him: fret not thy selfe for him which prospereth in his way: nor for the man that bringeth his enterprises to passe.
17 Euening and morning, and at noone will I pray, and make a noyse, and he wil heare my voice.
20 For where two or three are gathered together in my Name, there am I in the mids of them.
19 And my God shall fulfill all your necessities through his riches with glorie in Iesus Christ.
16 Let vs therefore goe boldly vnto ye throne of grace, that we may receiue mercy, and finde grace to helpe in time of neede.
24 Yea, before they call, I will answere, and whiles they speake, I will heare.
7 Aske, and it shall be giuen you: seeke, and ye shall finde: knocke, and it shall be opened vnto you.
5 For the pangs of death haue compassed me: the floods of vngodlinesse haue made mee afrayd. 6 The sorowes of the graue compassed mee about: the snares of death ouertooke mee. 7 But in my tribulation did I call vpon the Lord, and crie to my God, and he did heare my voyce out of his temple, and my crie did enter into his eares.
2 Blessed are they that keepe his testimonies, and seeke him with their whole heart.
13 And whatsoeuer ye aske in my Name, that will I doe, that the Father may be glorified in the Sonne.
24 Hitherto haue ye asked nothing in my Name: aske, and ye shall receiue, that your ioye may be full.
13 And whatsoeuer ye aske in my Name, that will I doe, that the Father may be glorified in the Sonne. 14 If ye shall aske any thing in my Name, I will doe it.
5 And when thou prayest, be not as the hypocrites: for they loue to stand, and pray in the Synagogues, and in the corners of the streetes, because they would be seene of men. Verely I say vnto you, they haue their rewarde.
10 With my whole heart haue I sought thee: let me not wander from thy commandements.
24 Therefore I say vnto you, Whatsoeuer ye desire when ye pray, beleeue that ye shall haue it, and it shalbe done vnto you.
9 And I say vnto you, Aske, and it shall be giuen you: seeke, and yee shall finde: knocke, and it shalbe opened vnto you. 10 For euery one that asketh, receiueth: and he that seeketh, findeth: and to him that knocketh, it shalbe opened.
24 Therefore I say vnto you, Whatsoeuer ye desire when ye pray, beleeue that ye shall haue it, and it shalbe done vnto you.
22 And whatsoeuer we aske we receiue of him, because we keepe his commandements, and do those things which are pleasing in his sight.
6 But in my trouble did I call vpon the Lord, and cryed vnto my God: he heard my voyce out of his Temple, and my crye did come before him, euen into his eares.
12 Then shall you crie vnto mee, and ye shall go and pray vnto me, and I will heare you,
15 And if we know that he heareth vs, whatsoeuer we aske, we know that we haue the petitions, that we haue desired of him.
18 If I regard wickednesse in mine heart, the Lord will not heare me. 19 But God hath heard me, and considered the voyce of my prayer.
24 Therefore I say vnto you, Whatsoeuer ye desire when ye pray, beleeue that ye shall haue it, and it shalbe done vnto you.
31 And the Lord saide, Simon, Simon, beholde, Satan hath desired you, to winowe you as wheate. 32 But I haue prayed for thee, that thy faith faile not: therefore when thou art conuerted, strengthen thy brethren.
6 But without faith it is vnpossible to please him: for he that commeth to God, must beleeue that God is, and that he is a rewarder of them that seeke him.
7 Also when ye pray, vse no vaine repetitions as the Heathen: for they thinke to be heard for their much babbling. 8 Be ye not like them therefore: for your Father knoweth whereof ye haue neede, before ye aske of him.
16 Ye haue not chosen me, but I haue chosen you, and ordeined you, that ye goe and bring foorth fruite, and that your fruite remaine, that whatsoeuer ye shall aske of the Father in my Name, he may giue it you.
20 Vnto him therefore that is able to do exceeding aboundantly aboue all that we aske or thinke, according to the power that worketh in vs,
18 The Lord is neere vnto all that call vpon him: yea, to all that call vpon him in trueth.
12 Reioycing in hope, pacient in tribulation, continuing in prayer,
17 And shall turne vnto the prayer of the desolate, and not despise their prayer.
16 Reioyce euermore. 17 Pray continually. 18 In all thinges giue thankes: for this is the will of God in Christ Iesus toward you.
8 For this thing I besought the Lord thrise, that it might depart from me. 9 And he said vnto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my power is made perfect through weakenesse. Very gladly therefore will I reioyce rather in mine infirmities, that the power of Christ may dwell in me.
21 Howbeit this kinde goeth not out, but by prayer and fasting.
3 Heare my voyce in the morning, O Lord: for in the morning will I direct me vnto thee, and I will waite.
18 If I regard wickednesse in mine heart, the Lord will not heare me.
8 I will therefore that the men pray, euery where lifting vp pure hands without wrath, or douting.
26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we knowe not what to pray as wee ought: but the Spirit it selfe maketh request for vs with sighs, which cannot be expressed. 27 But he that searcheth the heartes, knoweth what is the meaning of the Spirit: for he maketh request for ye Saints, according to the wil of God.
12 Therefore also now the Lord sayth, Turne you vnto me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning,
16 Acknowledge your faultes one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed: for the prayer of a righteous man auaileth much, if it be feruent.
6 But let him aske in faith, and wauer not: for hee that wauereth, is like a waue of the sea, tost of the winde, and caried away.
6 But when thou prayest, enter into thy chamber and when thou hast shut thy doore, pray vnto thy Father which is in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret, shall rewarde thee openly.
8 I will therefore that the men pray, euery where lifting vp pure hands without wrath, or douting.
24 Yea, before they call, I will answere, and whiles they speake, I will heare.
18 And pray alwayes with all maner prayer and supplication in the Spirit: and watch thereunto with all perseuerance and supplication for al Saints,
9 After this maner therefore pray ye, Our father which art in heauen, halowed be thy name. 10 Thy Kingdome come. Thy will be done euen in earth, as it is in heauen. 11 Giue vs this day our dayly bread. 12 And forgiue vs our dettes, as we also forgiue our detters. 13 And leade vs not into tentation, but deliuer vs from euill: for thine is the kingdome, and the power, and the glorie for euer. Amen.
11 If ye then, which are euill, can giue to your children good giftes, howe much more shall your Father which is in heauen, giue good thinges to them that aske him?
6 Be nothing carefull, but in all thinges let your requestes be shewed vnto God in praier, and supplication with giuing of thankes.
18 Verely I say vnto you, Whatsoeuer ye bind on earth, shall be bound in heauen: and whatsoeuer ye loose on earth, shalbe loosed in heauen.
8 Trust in him alway, ye people: powre out your hearts before him, for God is our hope. Selah.
13 And whatsoeuer ye aske in my Name, that will I doe, that the Father may be glorified in the Sonne. 14 If ye shall aske any thing in my Name, I will doe it.
27 But I say vnto you which heare, Loue your enemies: doe well to them which hate you. 28 Blesse them that curse you, and pray for them which hurt you.
13 And ye shall seeke mee and finde mee, because ye shall seeke mee with all your heart.
7 If ye abide in me, and my wordes abide in you, aske what ye wil, and it shalbe done to you.
20 Vnto him therefore that is able to do exceeding aboundantly aboue all that we aske or thinke, according to the power that worketh in vs,
20 Neither did he doubt of the promise of God through vnbeliefe, but was strengthened in the faith, and gaue glorie to God, 21 Being fully assured that he which had promised, was also able to doe it.
11 Thus saith the Lord, the holy one of Israel, and his maker, Aske me of things to come concerning my sonnes, and concerning the workes of mine hands: commande you me.
39 So hee went a litle further, and fell on his face, and praied, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup passe from me: neuerthelesse, not as I will, but as thou wilt.
18 And pray alwayes with all maner prayer and supplication in the Spirit: and watch thereunto with all perseuerance and supplication for al Saints,
6 But let him aske in faith, and wauer not: for hee that wauereth, is like a waue of the sea, tost of the winde, and caried away. 7 Neither let that man thinke that hee shall receiue any thing of the Lord.
9 He that turneth away his eare from hearing the Law, euen his prayer shalbe abominable.
40 Let vs search and try our wayes, and turne againe to the Lord. 41 Let vs lift vp our hearts with our handes vnto God in the heauens.
15 And call vpon me in the day of trouble: so will I deliuer thee, and thou shalt glorifie me.
6 But when thou prayest, enter into thy chamber and when thou hast shut thy doore, pray vnto thy Father which is in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret, shall rewarde thee openly. 7 Also when ye pray, vse no vaine repetitions as the Heathen: for they thinke to be heard for their much babbling.
7 Also when ye pray, vse no vaine repetitions as the Heathen: for they thinke to be heard for their much babbling.
17 I called vnto him with my mouth, and he was exalted with my tongue.
14 These all continued with one accorde in prayer and supplication with the women, and Marie the mother of Iesus, and with his brethren.
7 Now the ende of all things is at hand. Be ye therefore sober, and watching in prayer.
26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we knowe not what to pray as wee ought: but the Spirit it selfe maketh request for vs with sighs, which cannot be expressed. 27 But he that searcheth the heartes, knoweth what is the meaning of the Spirit: for he maketh request for ye Saints, according to the wil of God.
14 And this is that assurance, that we haue in him, that if we aske any thing according to his will, he heareth vs. 15 And if we know that he heareth vs, whatsoeuer we aske, we know that we haue the petitions, that we haue desired of him.
1 And he spake also a parable vnto them, to this ende, that they ought alwayes to pray, and not to waxe faint, 2 Saying, There was a iudge in a certaine citie, which feared not God, neither reuereced man. 3 And there was a widowe in that citie, which came vnto him, saying, Doe mee iustice against mine aduersarie. 4 And hee would not of a long time: but afterward he said with himselfe, Though I feare not God, nor reuerence man, 5 Yet because this widowe troubleth mee, I will doe her right, lest at the last shee come and make me wearie. 6 And the Lord said, Heare what the vnrighteous iudge saith. 7 Now shall not God auenge his elect, which cry day and night vnto him, yea, though he suffer long for them? 8 I tell you he will auenge them quickly: but when the Sonne of man commeth, shall he finde faith on the earth?
3 Call vnto me, and I will answere thee, and shewe thee great and mightie things, which thou knowest not.
16 Let vs therefore goe boldly vnto ye throne of grace, that we may receiue mercy, and finde grace to helpe in time of neede.
6 Seeke ye the Lord while he may be found: call ye vpon him while he is neere.
44 Yet hee sawe when they were in affliction, and he heard their crie. 45 And he remembred his couenant towarde them and repented according to the multitude of his mercies,
22 And whatsoeuer ye shall aske in prayer, if ye beleeue, ye shall receiue it.
3 For be ye sure that the Lord hath chosen to himselfe a godly man: the Lord will heare when I call vnto him.
25 Wherefore, hee is able also perfectly to saue them that come vnto God by him, seeing he euer liueth, to make intercession for them.
17 Pray continually.