11 Dearely beloued, I beseeche you, as strangers and pilgrims, abstaine from fleshly lusts, which fight against the soule,
4 That euery one of you should know, how to possesse his vessell in holines and honour, 5 And not in the lust of concupiscence, euen as the Gentiles which know not God:
5 Mortifie therefore your members which are on the earth, fornication, vncleannes, the inordinate affection, euill concupiscence, and couetousnes which is idolatrie.
24 For they that are Christes, haue crucified the flesh with the affections and the lustes.
31 Whether therefore ye eate, or drinke, or whatsoeuer ye doe, doe all to the glory of God.
26 For this cause God gaue them vp vnto vile affections: for euen their women did change the naturall vse into that which is against nature. 27 And likewise also the men left the naturall vse of the woman, and burned in their lust one toward another, and man with man wrought filthinesse, and receiued in themselues such recompence of their errour, as was meete.
3 For the time will come, when they will not suffer wholesome doctrine: but hauing their eares itching, shall after their owne lustes get them an heape of teachers, 4 And shall turne their eares from the trueth, and shalbe giuen vnto fables.
3 Ye aske, and receiue not, because ye aske amisse, that ye might lay the same out on your pleasures.
9 But if they cannot abstaine, let them marrie: for it is better to marrie then to burne.