51 Verely, verely I say vnto you, If a man keepe my word, he shall neuer see death.
3 Therefore he humbled thee, and made thee hungry, and fed thee with MAN, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know it, that he might teache thee that man liueth not by bread onely, but by euery worde that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord, doth a man liue.
1 In the beginning was that Word, and that Word was with God, and that Word was God.
28 But hee saide, Yea, rather blessed are they that heare the woorde of God, and keepe it.
89 LAMED. O Lord, thy worde endureth for euer in heauen.
14 And that Word was made flesh, and dwelt among vs, (and we sawe the glorie thereof, as the glorie of the onely begotten Sonne of the Father) full of grace and trueth.
8 Let not this booke of the Law depart out of thy mouth, but meditate therin day and night, that thou mayest obserue and doe according to all that is written therein: for then shalt thou make thy way prosperous, and then shalt thou haue good successe.
3 Then God said, Let there be light: And there was light.
130 The entrance into thy wordes sheweth light, and giueth vnderstanding to the simple.
22 And be ye doers of the word, and not hearers onely, deceiuing your owne selues. 23 For if any heare the woorde, and doe it not, he is like vnto a man, that beholdeth his naturall face in a glasse. 24 For when he hath considered himselfe, hee goeth his way, and forgetteth immediately what maner of one he was.
3 Who being the brightnes of the glory, and the ingraued forme of his person, and bearing vp all things by his mightie worde, hath by himselfe purged our sinnes, and sitteth at the right hand of the Maiestie in the highest places,
18 But those thinges which proceede out of the mouth, come from the heart, and they defile the man. 19 For out of the heart come euil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false testimonies, slaunders.
31 Heauen and earth shall passe away, but my woordes shall not passe away.
12 For the worde of God is liuely, and mightie in operation, and sharper then any two edged sword, and entreth through, euen vnto the diuiding asunder of the soule and the spirit, and of the ioints, and the marow, and is a discerner of the thoughtes, and the intents of the heart.
35 Thou hast also giuen me the shield of thy saluation, and thy right hand hath stayed me, and thy louing kindenes hath caused me to increase. 36 Thou hast enlarged my steps vnder mee, and mine heeles haue not slid.
16 For the whole Scripture is giuen by inspiration of God, and is profitable to teache, to conuince, to correct, and to instruct in righteousnesse, 17 That the man of God may be absolute, being made perfect vnto all good workes.
11 I haue hid thy promise in mine heart, that I might not sinne against thee.
3 Nowe are ye cleane through the worde, which I haue spoken vnto you.
22 Assoone therefore as he was risen from the dead, his disciples remembred that hee thus sayde vnto them: and they beleeued the Scripture, and the worde which Iesus had saide.
22 And be ye doers of the word, and not hearers onely, deceiuing your owne selues.
16 For the whole Scripture is giuen by inspiration of God, and is profitable to teache, to conuince, to correct, and to instruct in righteousnesse,
20 With the fruite of a mans mouth shall his belly be satisfied, and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled. 21 Death and life are in the power of ye tongue, and they that loue it, shall eate the fruite thereof.
1 A soft answere putteth away wrath: but grieuous wordes stirre vp anger.
4 But Iesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not liue by bread only, but by euery word of God.
17 Sanctifie them with thy trueth: thy word is trueth.
1 In the beginning was that Word, and that Word was with God, and that Word was God.
9 BETH. Wherewith shall a yong man redresse his waie? in taking heede thereto according to thy woorde.
25 Heauines in the heart of man doeth bring it downe: but a good worde reioyceth it.
36 So feare came on them all, and they spake among themselues, saying, What thing is this: for with authoritie and power he commaundeth the foule spirits, and they come out?
5 Euery worde of God is pure: he is a shield to those, that trust in him.
36 But I say vnto you, that of euery idle word that men shall speake, they shall giue account thereof at the day of iudgement. 37 For by thy wordes thou shalt be iustified, and by thy wordes thou shalt be condemned.
3 Beholde, we put bittes into the horses mouthes, that they should obey vs, and we turne about all their bodie. 4 Behold also the shippes, which though they be so great, and are driuen of fierce windes, yet are they turned about with a very small rudder, whither soeuer the gouernour listeth. 5 Euen so the tongue is a litle member, and boasteth of great things: beholde, howe great a thing a litle fire kindleth. 6 And the tongue is fire, yea, a worlde of wickednesse: so is the tongue set among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature, and it is set on fire of hell. 7 For the whole nature of beasts, and of birds, and of creeping things, and things of the sea is tamed, and hath bene tamed of the nature of man. 8 But the tongue can no man tame. It is an vnruly euill, full of deadly poyson.
6 For the Lord giueth wisdome, out of his mouth commeth knowledge and vnderstanding.
34 O generations of vipers, howe can you speake good things, when ye are euill? For of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
4 For the word of the Lord is righteous, and all his workes are faithfull.
17 And take the helmet of saluation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the worde of God.
4 But he answering said, It is written, Man shall not liue by bread onely, but by euery worde that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
24 Whosoeuer then heareth of mee these words, and doeth the same, I will liken him to a wise man, which hath builded his house on a rock:
38 Hee that beleeueth in mee, as saith the Scripture, out of his bellie shall flowe riuers of water of life.
18 There is that speaketh wordes like the prickings of a sworde: but the tongue of wise men is health.
2 For in many things we sinne all. If any man sinne not in word, he is a perfect man, and able to bridle all the body.
41 And many moe beleeued because of his owne word.
9 For if thou shalt confesse with thy mouth the Lord Iesus, and shalt beleeue in thine heart, that God raised him vp from the dead, thou shalt be saued: 10 For with the heart man beleeueth vnto righteousnes, and with the mouth man confesseth to saluation.
21 Wherefore lay apart all filthinesse, and superfluitie of maliciousnesse, and receiue with meekenes the word that is graffed in you, which is able to saue your soules.
105 NUN. Thy worde is a lanterne vnto my feete, and a light vnto my path.
22 And be ye doers of the word, and not hearers onely, deceiuing your owne selues.
11 The mouth of a righteous man is a welspring of life: but iniquitie couereth the mouth of the wicked.
24 Verely, verely I say vnto you, he that heareth my worde, and beleeueth him that sent me, hath euerlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but hath passed from death vnto life.
30 The way of God is vncorrupt: the worde of the Lord is tried in the fire: he is a shield to all that trust in him.
8 The grasse withereth, the floure fadeth: but the worde of our God shall stand for euer.
31 Then saide Iesus to the Iewes which beleeued in him, If ye continue in my worde, ye are verely my disciples, 32 And shall know the trueth, and the trueth shall make you free.
29 Is not my word euen like a fire, sayeth the Lord? and like an hammer, that breaketh the stone?
16 Thy wordes were founde by me, and I did eate them, and thy worde was vnto me the ioy and reioycing of mine heart: for thy Name is called vpon me, O Lord God of hostes.
4 But he answering said, It is written, Man shall not liue by bread onely, but by euery worde that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
4 I will reioyce in God, because of his word, I trust in God, and will not feare what flesh can doe vnto me.
6 By the worde of the Lord were the heauens made, and all the hoste of them by the breath of his mouth.
12 What man is he, that desireth life, and loueth long dayes for to see good? 13 Keepe thy tongue from euill, and thy lips, that they speake no guile.
4 For the word of the Lord is righteous, and all his workes are faithfull.
14 And that Word was made flesh, and dwelt among vs, (and we sawe the glorie thereof, as the glorie of the onely begotten Sonne of the Father) full of grace and trueth.
105 NUN. Thy worde is a lanterne vnto my feete, and a light vnto my path.
160 The beginning of thy worde is trueth, and all the iudgements of thy righteousnesse endure for euer.
6 For the Lord giueth wisdome, out of his mouth commeth knowledge and vnderstanding.
35 Heauen and earth shall passe away: but my wordes shall not passe away.
1 If there be therfore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of loue, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any compassion and mercie, 2 Fulfill my ioye, that ye be like minded, hauing the same loue, being of one accorde, and of one iudgement, 3 That nothing be done through contention or vaine glory, but that in meekenesse of minde euery man esteeme other better then himselfe. 4 Looke not euery man on his owne things, but euery man also on the things of other men. 5 Let the same minde be in you that was euen in Christ Iesus, 6 Who being in ye forme of God, thought it no robberie to be equall with God: 7 But he made himself of no reputation, and tooke on him ye forme of a seruant, and was made like vnto men, and was founde in shape as a man. 8 He humbled himselfe, and became obedient vnto the death, euen the death of the Crosse. 9 Wherefore God hath also highly exalted him, and giuen him a Name aboue euery name, 10 That at the Name of Iesus shoulde euery knee bowe, both of things in heauen, and things in earth, and things vnder the earth, 11 And that euery tongue shoulde confesse that Iesus Christ is the Lord, vnto the glory of God the Father. 12 Wherefore my beloued, as ye haue alwayes obeyed me, not as in my presence only, but now much more in mine absence, so make an end of your owne saluation with feare and trembling. 13 For it is God which worketh in you, both the will and the deede, euen of his good pleasure. 14 Do all things without murmuring and reasonings, 15 That ye may be blamelesse, and pure, and the sonnes of God without rebuke in the middes of a naughtie and crooked nation, among whom yee shine as lights in the world, 16 Holding forth the worde of life, that I may reioyce in the day of Christ, that I haue not runne in vaine, neither haue laboured in vaine. 17 Yea, and though I bee offered vp vpon the sacrifice, and seruice of your faith, I am glad, and reioyce with you all. 18 For the same cause also be ye glad, and reioyce with me. 19 And I trust in the Lord Iesus, to sende Timotheus shortly vnto you, that I also may be of good comfort, when I knowe your state. 20 For I haue no man like minded, who will faithfully care for your matters. 21 For all seeke their owne, and not that which is Iesus Christes. 22 But yee knowe the proofe of him, that as a sonne with the father, hee hath serued with me in the Gospel. 23 Him therefore I hope to send assoone as I knowe howe it will goe with me, 24 And trust in the Lord, that I also my selfe shall come shortly. 25 But I supposed it necessarie to sende my brother Epaphroditus vnto you, my companion in labour, and fellowe souldier, euen your messenger, and he that ministred vnto me such things as I wanted. 26 For he longed after all you, and was full of heauinesse, because yee had heard that hee had beene sicke. 27 And no doubt he was sicke, very neere vnto death: but God had mercie on him, and not on him onely, but on me also, least I should haue sorowe vpon sorowe. 28 I sent him therefore the more diligently, that when yee shoulde see him againe, yee might reioyce, and I might be the lesse sorowfull. 29 Receiue him therefore in the Lord with all gladnesse, and make much of such: 30 Because that for the woorke of Christ he was neere vnto death, and regarded not his life, to fulfill that seruice which was lacking on your part towarde me.
2 As newe borne babes desire that sincere milke of the woorde, that yee may growe thereby,
31 Then saide Iesus to the Iewes which beleeued in him, If ye continue in my worde, ye are verely my disciples,
23 Iesus answered, and sayd vnto him, If any man loue me, he will keepe my worde, and my Father will loue him, and we wil come vnto him, and wil dwell with him.
16 For the whole Scripture is giuen by inspiration of God, and is profitable to teache, to conuince, to correct, and to instruct in righteousnesse, 17 That the man of God may be absolute, being made perfect vnto all good workes.
12 For the worde of God is liuely, and mightie in operation, and sharper then any two edged sword, and entreth through, euen vnto the diuiding asunder of the soule and the spirit, and of the ioints, and the marow, and is a discerner of the thoughtes, and the intents of the heart.
3 Through faith we vnderstand that the world was ordeined by the worde of God, so that the things which we see, are not made of things which did appeare.