13 I am able to do al things through the helpe of Christ, which strengtheneth me.
11 Strengthened with all might through his glorious power, vnto all patience, and long suffering with ioyfulnesse,
17 And these tokens shall folowe them that beleeue, In my Name they shall cast out deuils, and shall speake with newe tongues, 18 And shall take away serpents, and if they shall drinke any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them: they shall lay their handes on the sicke, and they shall recouer.
7 For God hath not giuen to vs the Spirite of feare, but of power, and of loue, and of a sound minde.
8 But yee shall receiue power of the holy Ghost, when he shall come on you: and ye shalbe witnesses vnto me both in Hierusalem and in all Iudea, and in Samaria, and vnto the vttermost part of the earth.
12 Verely, verely I say vnto you, he that beleeueth in me, the workes that I doe, hee shall doe also, and greater then these shall he doe: for I goe vnto my Father.
20 For the kingdome of God is not in worde, but in power.
12 For the worde of God is liuely, and mightie in operation, and sharper then any two edged sword, and entreth through, euen vnto the diuiding asunder of the soule and the spirit, and of the ioints, and the marow, and is a discerner of the thoughtes, and the intents of the heart.
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
19 Beholde, I giue vnto you power to treade on Serpents, and Scorpions, and ouer all the power of the enemie, and nothing shall hurt you.
7 Submit your selues to God: resist the deuill, and he will flee from you.
39 And hee rose vp, and rebuked the winde, and saide vnto the sea, Peace, and be still. So the winde ceased, and it was a great calme. 40 Then he saide vnto them, Why are ye so fearefull? how is it that ye haue no faith? 41 And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, Who is this, that both the winde and sea obey him?