8 And God is able to make all grace to abound towarde you, that yee alwayes hauing all sufficiencie in all thinges, may abounde in euery good worke,
33 And if ye do good for them which do good for you, what thanke shall ye haue? for euen the sinners doe the same.
12 Blessed is ye man, that endureth tentation: for when he is tried, hee shall receiue the crowne of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that loue him.
23 For the wages of sinne is death: but the gift of God is eternall life, through Iesus Christ our Lord.
21 Then his master saide vnto him, It is well done good seruant and faithfull, Thou hast bene faithfull in litle, I will make thee ruler ouer much: enter into thy masters ioy.
6 But without faith it is vnpossible to please him: for he that commeth to God, must beleeue that God is, and that he is a rewarder of them that seeke him.
32 And we are his witnesses concerning these things which we say: yea, and the holy Ghost, whome God hath giuen to them that obey him.
2 Therefore when thou giuest thine almes, thou shalt not make a trumpet to be blowen before thee, as the hypocrites doe in the Synagogues and in the streetes, to be praysed of men. Verely I say vnto you, they haue their rewarde.
12 I know that there is nothing good in them, but to reioyce, and to doe good in his life. 13 And also that euery man eateth and drinketh, and seeth the commoditie of all his labour. this is the gift of God.
5 And hope maketh not ashamed, because the loue of God is shed abroade in our heartes by the holy Ghost, which is giuen vnto vs.
3 According as his diuine power hath giuen vnto vs all things that perteine vnto life and godlinesse, through the acknowledging of him that hath called vs vnto glory and vertue.
19 Surely hee will not much remember the dayes of his life, because God answereth to the ioy of his heart.
9 But as it is written, The thinges which eye hath not seene, neither eare hath heard, neither came into mans heart, are, which God hath prepared for them that loue him.
29 But if from thence thou shalt seeke the Lord thy God, thou shalt finde him, if thou seeke him with all thine heart, and with all thy soule.
6 I stretch forth mine hands vnto thee: my soule desireth after thee, as the thirstie land. Selah.
3 Let not mercie and trueth forsake thee: binde them on thy necke, and write them vpon the table of thine heart. 4 So shalt thou finde fauour and good vnderstanding in the sight of God and man.
8 Heale the sicke: cleanse the lepers: raise vp the dead: cast out the deuils. Freely ye haue receiued, freely giue.
4 The rewarde of humilitie, and the feare of God is riches, and glory, and life.
58 Therefore my beloued brethren, be ye stedfast, vnmoueable, aboundant alwayes in the worke of the Lord, forasmuch as ye knowe that your labour is not in vaine in the Lord.
5 If any of you lacke wisedome, let him aske of God, which giueth to all men liberally, and reprocheth no man, and it shalbe giuen him.
6 Blessed are they which hunger and thirst for righteousnes: for they shalbe filled.
32 Who spared not his owne Sonne, but gaue him for vs all to death, how shall he not with him giue vs all things also?
9 Let vs not therefore be weary of well doing: for in due season we shall reape, if we faint not.
14 Seeke good and not euil, that ye may liue: and the Lord God of hostes shalbe with you, as you haue spoken.
6 Humble your selues therefore vnder the mightie hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time.
16 Therefore we faint not, but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed daily.
30 But many that are first, shalbe last, and the last shalbe first.
6 Who wil reward euery man according to his woorkes:
7 Aske, and it shall be giuen you: seeke, and ye shall finde: knocke, and it shall be opened vnto you.
23 And whatsoeuer ye doe, doe it heartily, as to the Lord, and not to men, 24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receiue the reward of the inheritance: for ye serue the Lord Christ.
24 Therefore I say vnto you, Whatsoeuer ye desire when ye pray, beleeue that ye shall haue it, and it shalbe done vnto you.
18 The wicked worketh a deceitful worke: but hee that soweth righteousnes, shall receiue a sure rewarde.
14 And follow hard toward the marke, for the prise of the hie calling of God in Christ Iesus.
27 But that anointing which ye receiued of him, dwelleth in you: and ye neede not that any man teach you: but as the same Anoynting teacheth you of all things, and it is true, and is not lying, and as it taught you, ye shall abide in him.
6 But when thou prayest, enter into thy chamber and when thou hast shut thy doore, pray vnto thy Father which is in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret, shall rewarde thee openly.
24 Hitherto haue ye asked nothing in my Name: aske, and ye shall receiue, that your ioye may be full.
12 And the Lord said vnto Moses, Come vp to me into the mountaine, and be there, and I will giue thee tables of stone, and the law and the commandement, which I haue written, for to teach them.
18 That the eyes of your vnderstanding may be lightened, that ye may knowe what the hope is of his calling, and what the riches of his glorious inheritance is in the Saints,
7 Yet I tell you the trueth, It is expedient for you that I goe away: for if I goe not away, that Comforter will not come vnto you: but if I depart, I will send him vnto you.
10 Cast downe your selues before the Lord, and he will lift you vp.
18 Also to euery man to whom God hath giuen riches and treasures, and giueth him power to eate thereof, and to take his part, and to enioy his labour: this is the gift of God.
14 But whosoeuer drinketh of the water that I shall giue him, shall neuer be more a thirst: but the water that I shall giue him, shalbe in him a well of water, springing vp into euerlasting life.
38 Giue, and it shalbe giuen vnto you: a good measure, pressed downe, shaken together and running ouer shall men giue into your bosome: for with what measure ye mete, with the same shall men mete to you againe.
16 A mans gift enlargeth him, and leadeth him before great men.
33 But walke in all the wayes which the Lord your God hath commanded you, that ye may liue, and that it may goe well with you: and that ye may prolong your dayes in the land which ye shall possesse.