28 Wherefore seeing we receiue a kingdome, which cannot be shaken, let vs haue grace whereby we may so serue God, that we may please him with reuerence and feare. 29 For euen our God is a consuming fire.
4 Who shall not feare thee, O Lord, and glorifie thy Name! for thou onely art holy, and all nations shall come and worship before thee: for thy iudgements are made manifest.
28 And feare yee not them which kill the bodie, but are nor able to kill the soule: but rather feare him, which is able to destroy both soule and bodie in hell.
6 Therefore shalt thou keepe the commandements of the Lord thy God, that thou mayest walke in his wayes, and feare him.
16 Better is a litle with the feare of the Lord, then great treasure, and trouble therewith.
8 And the Lord saide vnto Satan, Hast thou not considered my seruant Iob, how none is like him in the earth? an vpright and iust man, one that feareth God, and escheweth euill?
1 Seing then we haue these promises, dearely beloued, let vs clense our selues from all filthinesse of the flesh and spirit, and finish our sanctification in the feare of God.
6 And said to the iudges, Take heede what ye doe: for yee execute not the iudgements of man, but of the Lord, and he will be with you in the cause and iudgement. 7 Wherefore nowe let the feare of the Lord be vpon you: take heede, and do it: for there is no iniquitie with the Lord our God, neither respect of persons, nor receiuing of reward.
29 Oh that there were such an heart in them to feare me, and to keepe all my commandements alway: that it might go well with them, and with their children for euer.
10 The beginning of wisedome is the feare of the Lord: all they that obserue them, haue good vnderstanding: his praise endureth for euer.
13 Let vs heare the end of all: feare God and keepe his commandements: for this is the whole duetie of man.
7 Who would not feare thee, O King of nations? for to thee appertaineth the dominion: for among all the wise men of the Gentiles, and in al their kingdomes there is none like thee.
7 If in a countrey thou seest the oppression of the poore, and the defrauding of iudgement and iustice, be not astonied at the matter: for hee that is higher then the highest, regardeth, and there be higher then they.