8 Taste ye and see, howe gratious the Lord is: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. 9 Feare the Lord, ye his Saintes: for nothing wanteth to them that feare him.
4 The rewarde of humilitie, and the feare of God is riches, and glory, and life.
14 Thou shalt not curse the deafe, neither put a stumbling blocke before the blinde, but shalt feare thy God: I am the Lord.
4 And I say vnto you, my friendes, be not afraide of them that kill the bodie, and after that are not able to doe any more. 5 But I wil forewarne you, who ye shall feare: feare him which after hee hath killed, hath power to cast into hell: yea, I say vnto you, him feare.
4 Yee shall walke after the Lord your God and feare him, and shall keepe his commandements, and hearken vnto his voyce, and yee shall serue him, and cleaue vnto him.
27 The feare of the Lord increaseth the dayes: but the yeeres of the wicked shalbe diminished.
11 Come children, hearken vnto me: I will teache you the feare of the Lord. 12 What man is he, that desireth life, and loueth long dayes for to see good? 13 Keepe thy tongue from euill, and thy lips, that they speake no guile. 14 Eschewe euill and doe good: seeke peace and follow after it.
11 Serue the Lord in feare, and reioyce in trembling.
6 By mercy and trueth iniquitie shalbe forgiuen, and by the feare of the Lord they depart from euill.
10 The beginning of wisedome is the feare of the Lord: all they that obserue them, haue good vnderstanding: his praise endureth for euer.
27 The feare of the Lord is as a welspring of life, to auoyde the snares of death.
35 Moreouer, if thy brother be impouerished, and fallen in decay with thee, thou shalt relieue him, and as a stranger and soiourner, so shall he liue with thee. 36 Thou shalt take no vsurie of him, nor vantage, but thou shalt feare thy God, that thy brother may liue with thee.
17 Oppresse not ye therefore any man his neighbour, but thou shalt feare thy God: for I am the Lord your God.
10 The beginning of wisedome is the feare of the Lord, and the knowledge of holy things, is vnderstanding.
14 Blessed is the man that feareth alway: but he that hardeneth his heart, shall fall into euill.
33 The feare of the Lord is the instruction of wisdome: and before honour, goeth humilitie.
28 And vnto man he said, Behold, the feare of the Lord is wisedome, and to depart from euil is vnderstanding.
7 Wherefore nowe let the feare of the Lord be vpon you: take heede, and do it: for there is no iniquitie with the Lord our God, neither respect of persons, nor receiuing of reward.
6 Therefore shalt thou keepe the commandements of the Lord thy God, that thou mayest walke in his wayes, and feare him.
9 The feare of the Lord is cleane, and indureth for euer: the iudgements of the Lord are trueth: they are righteous altogether, 10 And more to be desired then golde, yea, then much fine golde: sweeter also then honie and the honie combe. 11 Moreouer by them is thy seruant made circumspect, and in keeping of them there is great reward.