
35 Jesus said to them,"I am the bread of life. The one who comes to me will never become hungry, and the one who believes in me will never become thirsty.

46 They had a single purpose and went to the temple every day. They ate at each other's homes and shared their food with glad and humble hearts.

47 They kept praising God and enjoying the good will of all the people. And every day the Lord was adding to them people who were being saved.

20 Look! I am standing at the door and knocking. If anyone listens to my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he will eatwith me.

10 Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread to eat will also supply you with seed and multiply it and enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.

16 Therefore, let no one judge you in matters of food and drink or with respect to a festival, a new moon, or a Sabbath day.

17 These are a shadow of the things to come, but the reality belongs to Christ.

27 Do not work for the food that perishes but for the food that lasts for eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For it is on him that God the Father has set his seal."

6 "How blessed are those who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness,for it is they who will be satisfied!

3 The person who eats must not despise the person who does not eat, and the person who does not eat must not criticize the person who eats, for God has accepted him.

2 Like newborn babies, thirst for the pure milk of the word so that by it you may grow in your salvation.

31 Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything to the glory of God.

4 But he answered,"It is written, ‘One must not live on bread alone,but on every word comingout of the mouth of God.’"

16 Taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven and blessed them. Then he broke the loaves in pieces and kept giving them to the disciples to pass on to the crowd.

17 All of them ate and were filled. When they collected the leftover pieces, there were twelve baskets.

25 "That's why I'm telling you to stop worrying about your life—what you will eat or what you will drink—or about your body—what you will wear. Life is more than food, isn't it, and the body more than clothing?

7 For we did not bring anything into the world, and surely we cannot take anything out of it.

8 So as long as we have food and clothes, we will be satisfied with these.

33 But first be concerned about God's kingdom and his righteousness,and all of these things will be provided for you as well.