1 Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye. 2 Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come. 3 And when I come, whomsoever ye shall approve by your letters, them will I send to bring your liberality unto Jerusalem. 4 And if it be meet that I go also, they shall go with me. 5 Now I will come unto you, when I shall pass through Macedonia: for I do pass through Macedonia. 6 And it may be that I will abide, yea, and winter with you, that ye may bring me on my journey whithersoever I go. 7 For I will not see you now by the way; but I trust to tarry a while with you, if the Lord permit. 8 But I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost. 9 For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries. 10 Now if Timotheus come, see that he may be with you without fear: for he worketh the work of the Lord, as I also do. 11 Let no man therefore despise him: but conduct him forth in peace, that he may come unto me: for I look for him with the brethren. 12 As touching our brother Apollos, I greatly desired him to come unto you with the brethren: but his will was not at all to come at this time; but he will come when he shall have convenient time. 13 Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. 14 Let all your things be done with charity. 15 I beseech you, brethren, (ye know the house of Stephanas, that it is the firstfruits of Achaia, and that they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints,) 16 That ye submit yourselves unto such, and to every one that helpeth with us, and laboureth. 17 I am glad of the coming of Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus: for that which was lacking on your part they have supplied. 18 For they have refreshed my spirit and yours: therefore acknowledge ye them that are such.
19 The churches of Asia salute you. Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in the Lord, with the church that is in their house. 20 All the brethren greet you. Greet ye one another with an holy kiss. 21 The salutation of me Paul with mine own hand. 22 If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha. 23 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. 24 My love be with you all in Christ Jesus. Amen.
1 关于捐献给圣徒的事, 从前我怎样吩咐加拉太的众教会, 你们也要照着去行。
2 每逢七日的第一日, 你们各人要按着自己的收入抽一些出来留着, 免得我来的时候才现凑。
3 我来到之后, 你们选中了什么人, 我就派他们带着书信, 把你们的捐款送到耶路撒冷去。
4 如果我也应该去, 他们就可以和我一同去。
5 我现在正要路过马其顿。过了马其顿, 我就会到你们那里去。
6 我也许会和你们同住一些时候, 甚至和你们一同过冬; 这样, 我无论要到哪里去, 你们都可以给我送行。
7 我不愿意只是顺路见见你们, 主若许可, 我盼望和你们同住一个时期。
8 不过我要在以弗所住到五旬节,
9 因为这里有又宽大又有果效的门为我开了, 同时反对的人也很多。
10 如果提摩太来了, 你们务要使他在你们那里不会惧怕, 因为他像我一样是作主的工作的。
11 所以, 谁也不要小看他。你们要送他平平安安地前行, 使他到我这里来, 因为我正在等着他和弟兄们一同来。
12 至于亚波罗弟兄, 我曾再三劝他要和弟兄们一同到你们那里去; 但他不愿意现在就去, 机会到了, 他是会去的。
13 你们要警醒, 要在信仰上站立得稳, 要作大丈夫, 要刚强。
14 你们所作的一切, 都要凭爱心去作。
15 弟兄们, 你们知道司提反一家人是亚该亚初结的果子, 他们专心地服事圣徒。
16 我劝你们要顺服这样的人, 和所有与他们一同工作一同劳苦的人。
17 司提反、福徒拿都和亚该古都来了, 所以我很快乐, 因为他们补上了你们的不足,
18 使我和你们的心都得着畅快。这样的人你们要敬重他们。
19 亚西亚的众教会都问候你们。亚居拉和百基拉, 以及他们家里的教会在主里再三问候你们。
20 所有的弟兄都问候你们。你们要用圣洁的亲嘴彼此问安。
21 我保罗亲笔问候你们。
22 如果有人不爱主, 他就该受咒诅。主啊, 愿你来!
23 愿主耶稣基督的恩惠与你们同在。
24 我的爱在基督耶稣里也与你们同在。(有古卷加"阿们"。)