35 When it grew late, his disciples came to him and said, This is a desert place, and it is now late;
36 dismiss the people, that they may go to the neighboring farms and villages, and buy themselves bread, for they have nothing to eat.
37 He answering, said to them, Supply them yourselves. They replied, Shall we go and give two hundred denarii for bread, in order to supply them?
38 He said to them, How many loaves have you? Go and see. Upon inquiry, they answered, Five and two fishes.
39 And he commanded them to make all the people recline upon the green grass in separate companies.
40 And they formed themselves into squares, by hundred and by fifties.
41 Then Jesus taking the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, blessed and broke the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before the multitude. He distributed also the two fishes among them all.
42 When they all had eat and were satisfied,
43 they carried off twelve baskets full of the fragments of the bread and the fishes.
44 Now they who had eat of the loaves, were five thousand men.