9 Lie not one to another, but strip off the old self with its doings,
10 and put on that new self which is continually made over according to the likeness of its Creator, into full understanding.
5 And He who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I am making all things new." And He said to me, "Write this, for these words are trustworthy and genuine."
4 We have been buried together with him, then, through baptism into his death, in order that just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so also we should live in a newness of life.
5 For if we have become united with him in the likeness of his death, so we shall also be united with him in the likeness of his resurrection.
6 For this we know, that our old self was crucified with Christ, in order that the slave of sin might be destroyed; so that we should no longer be in slavery to sin -
7 for he who is dead is set free from sin.
4 By these he has granted his promises to us, precious and splendid; so that through them you may become partners of the divine nature, now that you have escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
22 You have learned to lay aside, with your former manner of living, the old self who was on his way to ruin, as he followed the desires which deceive;
23 and to be made new in the spirit of your mind,
24 and to put on the new self, created after Gods likeness, in the uprightness and holiness of the truth.
3 "In very truth I tell you," answered Jesus, "that unless a man is born from above, he cannot see the kingdom of God."
20 I have been crucified with Christ, so it is no longer I who am living, but it is Christ who is living in me; and the life I am now living in the flesh, I am living in faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself up for me.
15 For in Jesus Christ neither is circumcision anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation.
10 for we are his handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for good deeds, which God predestined us to make our daily way of life.
17 So there is a new creation when any man is in Christ. The old life has passed away, behold, the new is come.