36 When he had spoken he kneeled down and prayed with them all.
37 They all wept profusely, and fell on Pauls neck and kissed him. embraced himhugged him (Genesis 45:14)
38 What grieved them most was his statement that they would not see him again. They accompanied him to the ship.
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in his mighty strength.
33 After they stayed there a while in peace, the brothers sent them back to the apostles.
41 After the boy left, David got up from behind the pile of stones. He fell on his knees and bowed with his face to the ground three times. Both he and Jonathan cried as they kissed each other. Davids grief was even greater than Jonathans.
42 Jonathan said to David: »God be with you. Jehovah will make sure that you and I, and your descendants and mine, will keep the sacred promise we have made to each other for as long as we live.« Then David left and Jonathan went back to town.
11 Finally brothers, farewell: Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.
11 Finally brothers, farewell: Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.
12 Greet one another with a holy kiss.
13 All the holy ones salute you.
14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the intimate sharing of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.
17 But we have been taken away from you for a short while. We have been taken away in person, not in spirit. We are all the more eager with great desire to see you.
14 They started crying again. Orpah kissed her mother-in-law good-bye and went back home. Ruth held on to her.
8 On the way she said to them: »Go back home and stay with your mothers. Jehovah should be as good to you as you have been to me and to those who have died.
9 »May Jehovah make it possible for each of you to marry again and have a home.« Then Naomi kissed them good-bye and they cried.
10 They said to her: »No! We will go with you to your people.«
11 »You must go back, my daughters,« Naomi replied. »Why do you want to come with me? Do you think I could have sons again for you to marry?
12 »Return home, my daughters. I am too old to get married again. Even if I thought there was still hope, and got married and had sons,
13 »would you wait for them to grow up? Would this keep you from marrying someone else? No, my daughters, you know that is not possible. Jehovah has turned against me. I feel sorry for you.«
14 They started crying again. Orpah kissed her mother-in-law good-bye and went back home. Ruth held on to her.
24 »»Jehovah will bless you and watch over you.« «
25 »»Jehovah will smile on you and be kind to you.
26 »»Jehovah will look on you with favor and give you peace!
41 After the boy left, David got up from behind the pile of stones. He fell on his knees and bowed with his face to the ground three times. Both he and Jonathan cried as they kissed each other. Davids grief was even greater than Jonathans.
8 God is my witness, how I long for you all in the tender mercies of Christ Jesus.
7 Jehovah will protect you from all evil. He will protect preserve you.
8 May Jehovah guard your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever.
27 Moses said good-bye to Jethro, and Jethro went back home.
61 Another said: »I will follow you Lord, but first let me go say good by to my relatives.«
62 Jesus responded: »No man, who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.«
25 Grace be with you all. Amen.
6 Joshua blessed them and sent them on their way.
1 After the uproar ceased Paul sent for the disciples. He encouraged them. Then he left for Macedonia.
20 Elisha then left his bulls and ran after Elijah. He said: »Let me kiss my father and mother good-bye and then I will go with you.« Elijah answered, »All right, go back. I am not stopping you!«
21 Then Elisha went to his team of bulls, killed them, and cooked the meat. He used the yoke as fuel for the fire. He gave the meat to the people, and they ate it. Then he followed Elijah as his helper.