6 »Lift up your eyes to the heavens. Look at the earth below. The heavens will vanish like smoke and the earth will wear out like a garment. Its inhabitants die like flies gnats. But my salvation will last forever! My righteousness will never fail.
14 »It is time for me to die. Every one of you knows in his heart and very being that Jehovah your God has given you all the good things he promised. Every promise he made has been kept; not one has failed.
23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering, for he is faithful that promised.
140 Your word is very pure. Your servant loves it.
20 All the promises of God in him are yes. Also in his is the Amen, to the glory of God through us.
21 He who establishes us with you in Christ, and anointed us, is God.
22 He also sealed us, and gave us the guarantee of the Spirit in our hearts.
3 »The vision is yet for the appointed time. It moves quickly to the end. It will not lie! If it delays, wait for it for it will surely come. It will not be late!
45 Jehovah kept every one of the promises he made to the people of Israel.
56 "THANKS TO JEHOVAH! He has given his people Israel rest, as he has promised. None of the good promises he made through his servant Moses has failed to come true.
19 »God is a not man that he should lie. He is not a son of man who changes his mind. Does he ever promise and not fulfill? Does he ever speak and not act?
12 The man who endures under trial is blessed. For when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life that God promised to those who love him.
13 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion throughout all generations.
14 Jehovah sustains all who fall and raises up all who are bowed down.
5 Jehovah is righteous within her. He will do no wrong. He brings justice to the dawn of the morning. He does not fail! Yet the unjust know no shame.
11 The counsel of Jehovah and the plans of his heart stand from generation to generation, forever.
13 You have heard the word of the truth in Christ. It is the good news about your salvation. You also believed and were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit.
14 The Holy Spirit is a guarantee that we will receive our inheritance. This assures us that God will set us free to the praise of his glory.